Chapter 15: Perfect morning

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The next morning I slowly opened my eyes and pulled my hair back into a braid as I noticed a tray on my nightstand filled with all sorts of breakfast items.
"Morning babe". A shirtless Emmett greeted me from the bathroom. Judging by the wet hair and how he was topless he must have taken a shower this morning. I checked my phone and realized that I had slept in longer then usual. I rubbed my eyes as Emmett came closer to me.
"Hope you like your breakfast. I made it myself". He bragged. I raised an eyebrow at him. Something seemed fishy here. Emmett could not cook for the life of himself. He was pretty much the only Cullen that couldn't so I knew that he had to get help from someone.
"You made this?" I questioned him crossing my arms over my chest.
"Is it so hard to believe babe?"
"Exactly yeah it is. The last time you tried to make breakfast you almost burnt the kitchen in my dads house down". I reminded him as I grabbed a over of toast and placed one corner of it between my teeth.
"Haha yeah". Emmett nervously joked. "Still don't think your dads forgiven me for that yet".
"And he probably won't. But then again Charlie holds a grudge against anyone who happens to be dating his daughters". I replied. Emmett smirked and planted a kiss on my cheek.
"That I'm sure of. Daddies girls after all".
I smiled. "That we me and Bella are. So who really made this?"
Emmett sighed. "Okay so Travis helped me out. But only a little. I did everything on my own". I raised an eyebrow at that.
"Okay so Travis did most of it, but it's the thought that counts babe".
"Your right. It is, but when we're married your helping out with cooking. No wiggling your way out of this". I stated firm. Emmett nodded his head.
I gestured to the shower. "Care to join me?"
Emmett smirked and pushed me up against the wall.
"You don't have to ask me twice". I smiled and slammed the door behind me.
"Not fair babe. You know I'm weak when it comes to you". Emmett stated from the other side of the bathroom door. I took another bite of my toast. Then a laugh escaped my mouth.
"That's your fault babe". I stated. "But don't worry when I'm a vampire you shower with me anytime".
"I'll hold you to that". Emmett said from the other side. I rolled my eyes and started the water for the shower. Then I got undressed and got inside.

After a nice hot shower I tied my hair up with the blue towel from the bathroom and got dressed in a pair of black yoga pants and a white tank top. I wasn't much of a runner, but I so enjoyed the running clothing that our local mall had to offer. It was functional yet comfortable. I smiled and finished off the rest of my nicely toasted toast and gulped down the last of the orange juice. As I sat the cup down my phone began to vibrate. I looked at the caller ID and smiled. Speaking of the over protective dad. I clicked the answer button.
"Hey dad".
I ran my fingers through my hair.
"Yeah everything's good here. Me and Bella are having a great time together.
"Blake? Oh yeah she went on a little vacation a few of the guys from the reservation".
"He has? Well I haven't heard from him since my birthday. If you hear from him again tell him to call me"
"Okay thank you dad. So how are things with Sue?"
I smiled at what I was hearing. Ever since Bella had stopped living with Charlie he just hadn't been the same and I was glad to see that after I moved out that Charlie was finally find someone to spend time with. He needed some company and I think that so did Sue.
"Glad to hear it! Well I should probably let you go. Love you dad. Bye". I clicked the end call button just as knock came from the door. I walked over to the big wooden door and opened it. I smiled at a very pregnant Blake as she smiled back.

Shorter chapter and not as interesting, but not all of them can be interesting.

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