Chapter 22: Darkness

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     "How dare you!" Lucien growled at my real fiancé. Emmett. He was here. He was free from that jail cell. My eyes began to wonder to Blake and I could see the tears in his eyes begin to fall. Travis held on closely to her and he looked at me. Then at his poor excuse of a brother.
    "How dare we?! How dare you!!". Travis stepped up. Resting his hands on Blake he bared his fangs at his brother. Sickened by his treachery.
     "We all trusted you. I trusted you Lucien". Travis shouted back at his own flesh and blood.
     "Oh please brother. Your too naïve for your own good".
      "Your a pathetic excuse for a Bloodthorne". Travis stated. Carlisle had said that the Bloodthornes were one of the most important vampire families next to the Volturi and to be insulted as one was something terrible to do, but Lucien deserved it. "Mother was right when she said that she wanted you dead! Your pathetic and childish!"
I had never seen Travis this angry before, but he had a reason for being angry. And I wasn't going to tell him otherwise.
     "I am your king! Not some common low life peasant. Dani will be mine and that is not going to be debated!"
     "You don't speak for her!" Emmett interjected into the conversation. His fists were clenched and his eyebrows were arched at a perfect angle. He was about to blow and I just wanted to run to him, but my maid had pulled me down and had my wrist held in both her hands.
    "She is mine and I'll be damned if I let anyone have her that is not me!" Lucien barked back. Emmett stepped forward.
   "She's not your property you sicko! She's a human being that deserves to be treated with some respect!" Emmett explained to him. "She's not your toy!"
Emmett. He truly was the man for me. He made me feel so much better about myself despite what had happened to me in the past.
    "Ha". Lucien grinned. "You don't know anything Cullen scum. Women were created for us. For men. To feed our desires. To continue on our bloodline".
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Glancing at Emmett I knew he couldn't believe it either. He was just as furious as I was. No woman had wanted him and no women ever would with the way he treated us.
      "Your sick. Completely sick to think of us as only a prize to be won". My eyes meant Blake's as she pushed herself near Emmett.
    "Dani is not yours. She is apart of our family and that's never going to change!" Blake added. Lucien just chuckled and ran his fingers through his sandy blonde hair.
    "Your just as pathetic as my brother". Lucien said. "What do you a fragile human think you can do to me? A vampire king with powers that you will never comprehend".
Blake glared at him. "I can make you listen to Emmett and me!" Lucien rolled his blood red eyes at us as a grin ran across Aro's face. He was enjoying this. Especially by the fact that a mere human was telling his wishes off.
     My eyes darted from Blake's to Emmett and I could sense the love and compassion in them. They were soft with what was happening to me, but also angry towards what Lucien was doing to me.
    "You think I'd listen to you? A mere human. Ha you must be joking!"
    "Lucien". Aro put a hand up. "Let us hear  what they have to say my friend". Lucien growled at Aro and crossed his arms over his chest. Then Aro meant his eyes and Lucien backed down.
    "Fine. Proceed". He grumbled.
    "Thank you Aro". Carlisle had finally spoke as he looked at me. Carlisle was great at keeping is emotions under check, but even now you could see just how on edge he was with the situation.
    "He doesn't deserve it" Emmett barked. Carlisle reached out for his sons arm but Emmett pulled away.
   "No Carlisle". He said firm. "I shouldn't have to get permission to talk about my fiancé". He placed his hand over where his now still heart sat. "Daniella Walter Swan is my fiancé dammit and I will not lose her to some scumbag who thinks he has come claim over her just because he desires her". Emmett I whispered under my breath as the tears began to run again.
     "I'd watch your language with me peasant".
Emmett shook his head. "I don't take orders from you! And neither does she". He said pointing to me.
    "I love her with all that I have left and she means everything to me. I won't give up fighting for her".
     "You don't have a choice, I am afraid". Luciens devilish grin was getting on my nerves.
    "No you don't have a choice". Emmett ordered.
Lucien stepped down from the alter and closer to Emmett. "Are you threatening me?"
Emmett grinned. "You catch on quick, Luc". His sarcastic remarks made a small smile shine across my face.
     "You have some nerve indeed Cullen". Lucien smirked as he walked closer to my true fiancé. I knew Emmett could take him. Lucien was one who could not walk the walk from what I had seen of him, but as I glanced around at three hooded figures I knew he had the help of the Volturi around him.
     However Emmett and his family had dealt with them before and knew what they were up against.
    "I'm not afraid of you". Emmett stated to Lucien as Lucien was just inches from his face.
    "Oh but you should be. You should be very afraid". Everything happened so quickly that I couldn't seem to grip it all. All I remember was hearing a ringing in both my ears and feeling hands wrap around me. Some blurry images flooded my vision and I could feel some hot liquid against my left side.
As the images continued to crowd around me flashes of Emmett's eyes came in and out and I could swore that I heard someone calling out my name in fits of screaming, but as my eyes began to grow heavy those screams started to fade out until I couldn't see anything but the complete darkness of my soul.

Oh man did I just do that? Yes and I apologize for it.

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