Chapter 23: Light

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Light. Burst of all kinds of lights pushed me out of the darkness that I thought I'd never wake from and when I came to I was in an all white room with all kinds of medical equipment scattered all throughout my room. Getting a grip on where I was I saw my sister and Charlie standing over me. Charlie was holding my hand tightly and Bella had her hand on my arm. I slowly shifted my body so that I was sitting up to meet them. In doing so I noticed that Emmett was half sitting up on the couch with his eyes closed.
"You gave us quite a scare". My dad said. I glanced from him to Bella and she smiled.
"Where's-what happened?" I asked them still a little dizzy from all the medicine in my system.
"Bells said you got jumped on your way home from that trip. Some guys took your luggage and shot you. She and Emmett found you like that and rushed you to the hospital". Charlie explained to me. I glanced over at Emmett and knew that my dad had been lied to. I sighed. But he had to be. He was for his own safety.
"We thought we lost you Dani. Promise me you'll be more careful". My dad begged of me. Charlie was one not to show emotions, but I knew that he was in pain to see me hurt. Even if he wouldn't admit it straight to my face. I knew deep down.
"I promise dad". I said turning my head to Emmett.
"He hasn't left once. He wouldn't eat or sleep no matter how many times I told him he should". Charlie said as I smiled. "He's a good kid". He added.
"Yeah". I said. "He is".
"Well I better call Renee and tell her your awake".
"She isn't hear?" I asked. Charlie shook his head then sighed.
"Her flight was delayed for a few hours". Charlie said. Then he planted a kiss on the top of my forehead. "I'll see you later kiddo. Get some rest". Bella sat down on my bed as the door of room shut.
"Do you remember anything?" She asked me softly. I shook my head at her.
"I don't remember much, but I do remember hearing a ringing in my ear and there was so much blood". Bella reached for my hands.
"You jumped in front of Emmett and Lucien shot you. That bullet was made for him Dani. You saved Emmett's life". Bella said. I felt the wind leave me and I looked over at him. I had risked everything to save him. I had almost died to protect someone I loved. I chuckled as a few tears fell.
"I put him through all this pain". I said. Bella shook her head and pulled me into her embrace.
"He would have done the same thing if it was you and so would I". Bella said. "Emmett loves you so much and he would never leave your side. No matter what". Bella broke away and stood up.
"Bella". I said.
I let out a sigh. "What happened to...Lucien?" Having his name leave my lips made a shiver go down my spine. Bella could see that saying his name put a sour taste in my mouth.
"Emmett was enraged and Carlisle and Travis couldn't hold him back. He ripped Lucien to pieces and Travis burned them". Bella answered.
"Serves him right". I whispered.
Bella looked over at me. "The Volturi just vanished after Luciens body was burned. They did send Carlisle a message, but he won't tell us what it says". Bella added. I slightly smiled.
"Thanks Bells".
She nodded her head and walked out to probably check on dad. I let out a sigh and glanced over at a completely awake Emmett. He smiled and came over to me. He grabbed my hand and placed it in his.
"I though they'd never leave". He joked. I rolled my eyes at him.
His happy smile faded. "Dani I thought I lost you for good. And I-"
I shook my head and cupped his head in my hands. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm too tough. So your stuck with me".
"Babe I'll gladly be stuck with you. Your all I'll ever need". Emmett said. Running my long fingers through his dark hair made me feel alive again. I could see. I could touch. And I could hear him again. He was mine and I was his and I hoped that it would never end.
"Hate to break this too you". I began as Emmett crawled onto the hospital bed with me. "But you have to eat. I'm not going to let you starve".
"Your all the food I need babe". Emmett winked. I just rolled my eyes at him and smiled brightly. He reached up and brushed a strand of hair out of my face.
"Your so beautiful Dani". I blushed slightly and glanced away.
"Don't know how beautiful I can be stuck in hospital bed with a noticeable scar on my side". I reminded him.
"That scar wasn't meant for you". Emmett stated firm. I sighed and placed my hand on his cheek. I had to do what I did to save his life. And I would it all over again. He made me feel so good about myself and if I had lost him...I don't know what I've would have done. I needed him in my life.
"Well I wasn't going to just let him kill you. I need you Emmett". I stated. "I need you in my life. Forever and I mean that!"
"Does that mean you'll marry me next month?" Emmett asked me. "I know it's sooner than you wanted but-"
Without even thinking twice about it I grabbed Emmett and wrapped myself around him. He must have been take a back by it because he hesitated to embrace me back.
"Yes Emmett". I answered him.
I pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. "I love you dammit and after everything that just happened to me I realized that I want to stay with you and be apart of your family. I want to be bonded to you in every way that I can be".
Emmett just stared back at me with those big yellow eyes of his.
"Hey". I placed my hand on him. "Emmett say something".
Emmett grabbed my arm and smashed his broad lips against mine.
"Did anyone ever tell you how amazing you are Dani?" I smiled as we broke away. Still having my hand against the back of his neck.
"A few times". I laughed. Emmett smiled and kissed my cheek then he got up from my hospital bed.
"I'll let you get some rest babe. I'll take care of everything". He said reaching for the door handle.
"Emmett". I said before he left. "I love you".
"I love you too future Mrs. Dani Cullen". With those last words Emmett left my room and I drifted into a a beautiful sleep.

Sorry for making you wait in between chapters. It's been a rough few days here. My fav grandma is currently in the hospital and she's having surgery on her ankle possibly on Friday. She won't be going back home anytime soon so we've been on edge over here, but on a better note here's a new chapter for you guys! You guys kept begging me for the next chapter so here I am to deliver.

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