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Hello! I shall be doing a tag here today.

I was tagged by DDJW_Tchai and here we go:

1. Do you have a crush?
Yes. The Beatles 😆

2. What's your middle name?

3. What is your height?
5'4" (technically 5'3.75")

4. When was the last time you cried?
(Tell Me Why literally just started playing while I typed that question out 😂)
Anyways, the last time I cried was yesterday.

5. What's your biggest fear?
Spiders, rejection, sometimes heights, public speaking.

6. What was the last song you listened to?
Well I'm currently listening to Anytime At All 👌. I'm in the process of listening to every Beatles song in order 😂

7. Who was the last person you texted?
My friend.

8. What's your favorite app?
Don't have a favorite.

Okay....... I nominate everyone because I'm lazy and don't want to exclude anyone 😂

Have a good rest of your day ✌️❤️✌️❤️

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