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You were everyone's least favourite counselor... Even Max hated you more than David and he was the meanest to you... I mean, it was a fact that he liked you the least... Everyone knew it. You were just thinking about why Max was so mean... But you were cut off.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Nerris shouted as she ran up to you.

"What's up, Nerris?" You asked as you knelt down to her height.

"Neil and Max went out on an adventure and were taken by the Flower  Scouts!" She told as she pushed up her glasses. Oh boy. You walked up to David.

"Hey, David. Max and Neil are at the Flower Scouts..." You sighed as you crossed your arms.

"What?" he questioned. "How on earth did they get there?"

"Apparently they went on an adventure when they were supposed to be sleeping and never came back..." You chuckled. "I'm going to go get them."

"Alright, Y/n. But do be careful. You never know what could go wrong." David warned as he patted your shoulder.

"I'll be fine, David." You smiled as you set up a boat. You hopped onto the boat. "Well, see you soon, David." He smiled and waved as you left. Geez, this was like those cringy, soapy goodbye's in those romantic movies. Ew. You headed straight for the Flower Scout's camp. Why were you nervous? As you got closer, you saw Neil... But where was Max? You got off the boat and walked up to Tabii, Erin and Sasha.

"Neil..." you groaned as you ruffled his hair. "What did you and Max get up to?"

"I-I can't remember..." He stuttered. "All I remember are wigs, lipstick, dresses, and kisses from that one-eyed freak over there" He whispered as he pointed to Tabii.

"Girls... Would you happen to know where Max is?"

"Oh, that snotty brat?" Sasha scoffed. "We, like, gave him to the Wood Scouts."

"We didn't want him" Erin shrugged. "I mean, we didn't want this nerd either, but..."

"I wanted him~" Tabii cooed as she stroked Neil's face, which sent a shiver down Neil's spine. You picked up Neil and tossed him in the boat. You climbed in with him and started paddling away.

"And why didn't you try and save Max?" You asked Neil.

"I couldn't! Trust me, I tried. But those cunts were making me have a tea party with them and they were calling me Neeancy."

"Neeancy?" You laughed. "I'm gonna call you that from now on!"

"You better fucking not-"

"I'm kidding..." You grinned. As you approached the Wood Scout's island, you felt your stomach drop. Obviously, your skin turned pale, because Neil found out.

"Are you nervous?" Neil asked.

"Nonsense, my dude!" You smiled.

"You sure? You look pale."

"I'm fine, Neeancy!" You smiled as the boat pulled up to the Wood Scout's island. "Stay in the boat" you chuckled as you walked off. But, Neil silently followed you. You looked around the campsite for Max, but found Edward Pikeman instead. Ugh. He turned around to face you, first in shock, then in gladness.

"Ahhh Miss. Y/n." He smirked as he approached you. "You're here for Maxwell, aren't you~?"

"Well, obviously!" You shouted. "Now where is he?!?!"

"Well, you see... You're going to have to do some "Favours" for me~ And only then you could get your Maxwell back~"

"What do you want me to do?" You asked cautiously. He licked his lips.

"First~ We need to get out of he-" You slapped him across the face as hard as you possibly could, making him fall. You then stepped on the side of his face.

"Where is he?!?!?!" You screamed.

"A-A-AH! HE'S OVER THERE IN THAT DIRECTION!" He screamed in pain as he pointed to a pathway. You ran down the path to find Max. And there Max was tied up. He looked excited to leave, but he really didn't look happy to see you. You untied him and ripped the tape off his mouth.

"Ow! Fuck!" he screamed in pain. "Oh, look! It's the un-wanted fucking counselor Y/n!" he rolled his eyes. You brushed off what he said and picked him up. You ran to the boat and sighed.

"WHERE'S NEIL!?!?!?!" You shouted. You ran back and found Neil in a tree. "NEIL! GET DOWN!" He climbed down slowly.

"Wow, Y/n. I've never seen you so mad..." he whispered in awe.

"DON'T EVEN TEMPT ME RIGHT NOW!" You shouted as you threw them both in the boat. You jumped in and started paddling away.

"Give it up, Y/n. No matter how much you try to fucking show that you belong here, you don't being here. This piece of shit camp is too good for you!" Max scoffed as he folded his arms. You didn't respond. You just wanted to get back to camp. As you pulled up to camp, everyone was waiting for you to return. Max and Neil both walked off the boat. You just sat in the boat and sighed.

"Y/n?" Davis asked. "is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah... Everythings fine, David..." You smiled. "I'm just tired..."

"Well, I can see why!" David chuckled. "Here, go to bed early tonight. You need the rest."

"Thanks David" You smiled as you stepped out of the boat. "You don't understand how much this means to me" Yousaid as you punched him playfully.

"See you tomorrow, Y/n. And make sure you rest up... I hate seeing you overly sleepy." David chuckled as he patted your back. You smiled and walked to your cabin. You plopped on your bed and sighed. Why did all the kids hate you? Gwen doesn't like you much... Quartermaster doesn't like you AT ALL. The only one who likes you here is David. And you don't see why he likes you anyway. It was all too much to handle.

"Hey fucktard" Max sighed as he stormed into your cabin. "I'm lookin' around for weapons"

"The least you could have done was knocked..." You mumbled as you faced the wall.

"Knocking is for losers like you!" Max chuckled. "Damn, where the fuck are your weapons?"

"I don't have any weapons, Max..." You groaned as you pushed your hair back.

"Why the fuck are you even here? The only one that thinks you're cool is David! And he's really lame. You fucking peice of shit! Why don't you just fucking leave?!?! NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE!" Max shouted as he stormed out of the cabin. God, why does he hate you? You did nothing wrong. So, people you've known in the past have hate you, the people you know now hate you...

Let's see what the furute holds...

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