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You climbed out of bed, still extreamly happy about what happened last night. You got dressed and skipped out of the cabin. You were so energetic. While David was talking with Space Kid, you hugged him from behind.

"Good morning, David!" he smiled. He turned around and saw you. He couldn't help but blush because of what happened last night.

"good morning, Y/n! Are you ready for song writing camp?" he asked.

"I sure am!" You giggled.

"Good! Because you'll be running the camp today!"


"Yeah... Gwen and I have got to go buy some stuff downtown. So you'll be encharge!" David grinned as he headed towards his car with Gwen. You couldn't run the camp without him there. But, i guess you had no choice. He drove off and left you with the campers. You had no fucking clue what to do...

"OKAY CAMPERS! LET'S GET STARTED WITH SONG-WRITING CAMP!' You shouted with a smile. All of the campers gathered around you. Well, almost all of them.

"Y'all are fucking twisted!" Max gasped. "Why the fuck would you listen to this worthless peicce of shit?"

"Because she's not worthless!" Nikki pointed out. "We all love her!"

"She's probably a fucking cultest like Daniel was... That's why you guys are fucking like her and shit... She's going to sacrafice you!"

"Oh, relax, Max." Smiled Space Kid. "She's not a bad person! She's actually really funny! Learn to love her!"

"Over my dead body..." He scoffed as he turned around.

"Okay, kids. Here's how you write a song. First you pick a topic or a feeling... And then you write a sentence... Any sentence. Then you write another sentence, but that sentence had to rhyme. And you just repeat those two steps: Write and Rhyme. After you're done writing, try and find a beat that goes well with your lyrics. Here." you grinned softly as you grabbed your guitar. "Here's a song a wrote two nights ago after my boyfriend broke up with me." All the campers went "awwww..." In sympathy, but Max just laughed. After you finished singing, you got a standing ovation from the campers (all but Max) You then gave them penicls and paper and told them to start writing. It was so nice that they took interest in what you liked to do, even if they were forced to do it. While you were helping Space Kid write a song about space, you were then hit in the head with a rather large rock. You brushed it off at first, but it really did hurt. Rocks kept on hitting your head. You looked to see who was throwing them, and it was none other than Max. You should have known.

*Time Skip*

By the time David and Gwen came back, everyone was asleep. Gwen went straight to her cabin, but David went to go check on you. He silently walked into your cabin... You weren't there. He began to worry, but not too much. He walked to the doc and saw you. Sitting there, on your phones camera, looking at the bruises from the rocks.

"Y/n?" David called out, causing you to jump.

"Oh, hi!" You grinned at him.

"Why are there bruises all over your face?"



"Heh..." You sighed.

"How was the camp today?" David asked as he sat next to you.

"Besides Max, they were all amazing. They seemed to like doing what I enjoy" You giggled. There was a brief moment of silence.

"Y/n... If you couldn't already tell, I have feelings for you" David mumbled as he blushed.

"David... If you couldn't already tell, I have feelings for you too." You smiled.

"Holy shit..." Max whispered to himself as he watched you two. "This can't be right..."

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