The Penguin Fic (Not Really)

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A man walking down the street with a penguin in his bag.

Me: A man?

Leia_S: Yes, a man.

Me: What the actual fuck was he gonna do with that penguin in his bag???

Leia_S: He was gonna rape it.

Me: And that's just bestiality for ya, kids.

He came home to his apartment and laid the penguin on the bed.

Me: I feel bad for that penguin now...

He rolled up on it and started licking, kissing, and biting the penguin's neck.

Me: I think we should stop with the bestiality fanfics now before I get arrested for this...

(Authors' Note: What are we doing with our lives;;;;ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

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