Chapter 1

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AN : This is my first fanfic so I hope you enjoy. I own none of the characters. Pardon me if there are mistakes.

Another meeting was being held by the gods as they discussed the matter of the missing master bolt but this time, all Olympians were being asked to be present. Even Hades and Hecate who normally absented themselves.

"Okay what the hell is so important that little Hecate, Hestia and I have to come to this ....."Hades said as he waved his hand around gesturing to the meeting room when everyone was seated with Hecate glaring at him for calling her little."..... whatever you call it ."

"This place is the hall of olympus." "I know that but thank you smartass." Was Hades's reply to Athena. "Artemis" Zeus began addressing her."Why have you called for an emergency meeting. I don't need to tell you what I would do to you should this not be of any importance. So tell me what this is about." He asked her while sitting on his throne with an annoyed expression. Every deity within the room could see that he was depressed. His master bolt being a factor. The other being that his wife had lost any form of interest in him and their relationship going downhill ever since that fateful day and last factor being the unsaid topic of this meeting.

Ever since Zeus lost his adviser and punisher, he has been growing more miserable as the time went on. He made stupid decisions and other things, he had been in a constant state of depression ever since then.

"Fear not Artemis he wouldn't do anything. After all he has lost his tool for punishing and therefore lost his will to punish. Besides there is only one true punisher. Am I right brother?"
"Definitely." Was Hades's answer.

Zeus looked annoyed but tolerated them. When all heads turned to Artemis, she took it as her cue and spoke. " Well it is about the master bolt." Immediately, she knew she had picked their interest. " I was thinking since we couldn't find it and all our trackers have failed even I, we could perhaps bargain with someone for it."

" And who might this person that we are going to bargain with be?" Hera asked the question on their minds. " I ......I was thinking about the best tracker. " Some became suspicious about where this would end. " Am listening Artemis." Zeus beaconed her to continue.

" I ... I...I was thinking maybe we could make a trip over to another dimension and make a bargain with z..z....z....Mr. Z" She said stuttering the name. It was obvious they knew whose name she was trying to say. " Who arty is this Mr. Z?" Apollo asked.
She glared at him but then sighed and called the one name that they hoped she wouldn't although they had different reasons with some having the same reason.

But when she mentioned his name, all hell broke loose the gods started arguing again. It was so heated that Apollo drew his bow and arrow pointing it at ares with said god pointing a sword at him. Hephaestus had a blade on Ares's neck and Aphrodite having a small dagger at Hephaestus's back. Dionysius also had a scythe with the curved blade around her neck.
"Take your scythe away from me Dionysius or both you Apollo and Hephaestus would have your children cursed, each and everyone of them."

" Oh sweetie, you forget that you are not the only god. Besides we could always have someone lift it or better yet find our selves a new goddess of love. " Dionysius retorted. " This world is better off without someone like you." Hephaestus added.

"Enough!!." All heads turned to Hecate who looked angry. Well that is unusual. " No one is going anywhere to look for him let him have his peace of mind. He has suffered because of some of you the least you could do is let him be. " She spoke. Aphrodite knew it was her and Ares she was talking about so she turned her head to the side ashamed. If only she hadn't cheated on him if only she had listened to him, she wouldn't be like this. Her friendship with Hecate was ruined because of a simply stupid decision she made over a thousand years ago.

"Please lady Hecate this isn't for my personal gain but for the innocents who will die should war break out." Artemis pleaded.
" I know that I hate most men but that doesn't mean that there aren't some who have good hearts. This war might destroy this world along with few good persons that reside in this world the least we can do for them for all the troubles we have caused them over the years is to stop this war and he is the only one who can stop it. All am asking is to help save the innocents."

Her speech really did touch Hecate because her expression softened." Just this once. If he wishes to not come, then we leave him be without disturbance. Is that clear ?" Her voice boomed. Everyone nodded even zeus. He knew he was their king but that didn't mean he was the strongest.

"We set off at dawn tomorrow and Hera you will accompany us. Now I need to get going." With that she mumbled something under her breath and left to continue her work.

AN: I hope you liked it please comment on it but no rude comments I don't take kindly to such things.

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