chapter 1

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As i reached the surface I found the nice cool breeze on me the sun set over the horizon but at least we got see it before tomorrow after 10 years in the dark it was nice to finally be free

"Megan,wait up" papyrus said

"Come on papy"i said

"So what do we do now" sans said

"We make a new life here" i said

*4months later*


It has been a few months and we where able to find a place where we can bulid monster city. It was a little moutian range at the end of england and it was awesome

"Good morning your higness" jenny a castle maid said

"Morning jenny whats on the agenda today?"

"Well same as always "

"Ok,is it breckfast time"

"Yes ma'me "

"Great thanks jenny"

"Your welcome your higness"

After she left I went to go get dressed and get ready for today then I head downstairs

" good morning my child" my mother toriel said

" hi Mom what's for breakfast"

" French toast and eggs"

"Oh yummy"

" where are Sans and pappy" i asked

" there was a problem down in Snowden so they went to go check it out."

" should I go check it out"

" oh no I'm sure they got it hun"

Just then undyne came in

" Megan Megan, there was an attack"

" what what are you talking about undyne"

" down in Snowden there was an attack. We need you down there"

" okay I'm coming, let me get my armor on"

" be careful" toriel said

"I will mom"

After I got my armor on I ran down to Snowden. Usually when I go down there is nice and peaceful but now instead of snow there were piles of monster dust I couldn't count how many casualties there were but I knew there was many

" everyone Retreat to the castle"

everyone turned back and ran to  the Castle I glanced over and saw Sans and he was holding someone I couldn't tell who it was until I saw a red scarf

"PAPYRUS" i said

" Megan he's hurt bad, I don't know how much longer he has" sans said

" come on get him to the Castle"

We all ran back to the castle and once everyone was inside alphys put a barrier around it

" get the wounded to toriel she can try to heal them"

"Megan they are still coming"
A guard said  " their leader sent this"

A note?

Dear princess,

If i were you i wouldn't enjoy your freedom these monsters will be disposed of if  you don't surender to me
                           Sincerely, i.z

" what are we going to do" undyne said

" all of you are staying here inside the barrier and I'm going to get an ally"

" but we don't have any"

"Yet" I said "someone get me to England"

"Yes ma'me"

" Megan you can't go out there stay inside where it's safe my child" toriel said

" I'm sorry Mom but I got to do this"

"Your ride megan"

" watch everything here will ya"

"I guess I have to" my mom said

" I'll be back soon hopefully with help"

"I love you all" i said

And with that I went off

Three hours later

I made it to England and talked to the queen

" I'm sorry princess but nothing we can do"  the queen said

" please your majesty I beg you there must be something you can do"

" well there is one thing how well  are you in combat"

"Ok i guess why"

"My SAS taskforce the 141 needs men. You send me your best men and then I'll consider it"

" but the monsters aren't strong enough to go against them."

" well you must send someone"

" then when do I leave"

"You your a princess"

" I'm princess who have been trained in combat"

" okay I will tell the captain that you shall be picked up tomorrow"

" tomorrow"

" yes and if you do well in the war and survive I promise to give your people the help they need"

" but they need it now"

" then do good in the War and I will send men as soon as possible"

" thank you your magesty"

" I will get in contact with Captain Price very soon"

I left there and went back home
When I told my mom about this she wasn't very happy

" War are you crazy"

"Look it's the only way they're picking me up tomorrow I need my sleep"

"Ok my child goodnight"


Problem is i couldn't sleep

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