chapter 4

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So at 0500 is when our mission starts right, but our day starts at 0300. To my surprise that is 3:00 a.m. soap came to my room and woke me up

"Megan,you up?" Soap said

"It is 3 in the morning soap what are you doing" i said

"It is time to get up,we leave in two hours so get ready before you get left behind" soap said

"Ugh... im coming im coming"

I got up and got a shower, dressed, and got my hair put up. Im not that good at it so i found a little camo hat my mom got me. Then I went to the mess hall hoping there was something. I saw price,soap,and gaz there

"Morning megan" price said

"Good morning"i said

"You look like crap" gaz said joking

"Gee,thanks"i said

I got a cup of coffee and a cinnimon roll. To wake me up

"So i thought of a name for you megan" price said

"Oh. Whats that price" i said

"Kitten" price said

"Kitten?"we all said

"Yes kitten. On the cqb test i saw you where a little stelththy and light on your feet" price said

"Huh... I like it"soap said

"Ok i guess im kitten" i said

"So how did you sleep kitten?" Gaz asked

"Ok i guess it still all new to me i guess"

"It's just first day jitters" price said

"Really. You think"

"Ya don't worry kitten" gaz said

We finished breakfast and went to the helocopter and left for the cargo ship mission.

"It will be a hour or two till we get there, so you guys can get a bit of sleep if you need it" price said

"Don't mind if i do"soap said

Him and the others fell asleep but me and price stayed up. I didn't feel confortble in a helocopter over the ocean in a rain storm with wind bounceing us everywhere. I felt a little uneasy

"You ok kitten?" Price said

"Ya i just never flew before" i said

"Oh ya you where in the underground for a while with the monsters. What was that like"

"Well it was ok, I mean you didn't get to see the sky like this but, i kinda miss it my best years where there. Before that..."

"Why did you go down there? If you don't mind me asking me"

"It's kinda personal i don't like to talk about it"

"Ok you don't need to tell me if you don't want to"

"Thank you price" i said "so how long have you been captian"

"About ten years now, but i've been in the sas for 20 years now"

"Wow, thats crazy"

"I guess ya"

We kept talking for therity min. Till the others woke up

"Good morning sunshine"i said to soap

"(Yawn) morning"

"Ok guys we are almost there, heres the mission. Get in get the info and get out"

"You say that like it is simple" gaz said

"It will be the easiest one we have had in a while" price said

"ETA 30 seconds" the pilot said

"Ok everyone ready" price said

"Yes" we all said

"Good luck kitten"soap said

"You too soap"

He slid down the rope and i followed him and we begain our first mission. We ran the whole cargo ship following gaz and price till we got to a big room with a lot of cargo. We had to fight a lot of people i saw a tango aim at soap

"SOAP,DUCK" I said

He ducked and i shot the guy right in the head

"Thanks kitten"

"Your welcome"i said

We cleared the room and found a container with a nuclear simble

"Wait this is it" price said

We opened it and saw some writing on it

"Huh it's in aribic. Base plate this is bravo 6 packege secure send a team for evac"

"Negitive, brovo six we got alot of tangos comeing . Grab what you can and get back"

Soap grabed a folder off the bomb and we ran but as soon as we left the room there was a explosion

"Come in brovo six" baseplate said

"Baseplate we are coming ETA 2min." Price said "on your feet soldgers we are leaveing "he said to me and soap

We ran up the catwalk


But after that one fell on me

"KITTEN" soap yelled


I woke up at base medbay with a bandege on me and a thumping pain in my head.


"Hey it's ok honey their fine, they achully are in the waiting room for ya" a nurse said

"Ok can you send them in?"

"I will now"

"Megan" soap said as he hugged me i blushed a little

"Hey, what happend"

"You got hit in the head by a pipe and soap here carried you to the helocopter"Price said

"Ya you could of drowed but soap saved you"gaz added

"Thank you soap" i said

He blushed a little"no problem kitten i owed you one"

"Well you paid your debt in full soap" i said with a little chuckle

"Alright lads lets let kitten have rest so she can come with us on our next mission"price said

"Bye"gaz said

"Bye kitten"  price said

"C'ya later " soap said

"Bye guys"i said

Maybe war won't be so bad after all. I got friends that will watch out for i had these thoughts i fell into a deep sleep

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