chapter 5

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1 month later...

I woke up this morning in my own room. I've been out of the medbay a month ago and the docters said i had to rest up after the mild concushion I got on that mission. I looked outside to see my favorite thing in the world, a sunrise it was breathtaking with the ocean in the distance.

"kitten, can i come in" soap said

"Ya just let me get my clothes on"

I have gotten closer to soap, gaz, and price over the last month. They kept visiting me at the medbay and introduced me to nickleye and kameroff during a mission to rescue nickleye, after he got captured

"Come on in soap" i said

"Wow you don't have much in here do you" he said

"What was you expecting?"

"Well like stuffed animals and pink stuff "

"Oh a sterotype guy are ya" i said while finishing my hair. Soap blushed a little and had a guilty look in his eye

"Im just kidding you big dope" i said

He laughed

"Oh ya i forgot about your surprise" he said


"Ya just close your eyes"

"Soap... what are you-"

"Just trust me and close your eyes"


I closed my eyes and he put something around my neck

"Ok open your eyes" he said

I opened my eyes and saw a little tag that said

'Sgt. Megan dreemer

"What is this soap"

"Your dog tag and this one goes in your boot. Like that" he said putting the other one in my shoe

When he got back up our eyes locked. He smiled at me and i felt something I have never felt before my heart started beating at the speed of light and i couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Your a sargent now" he said

"Ya i guess so... it's cool"

"Price saw your skill and thought you where sargent level"

"Eventhough, I got beatup by a pipe and put you in danger by you carrieing me."

"Hey don't sweat it you saved me first"

"Thank you soap"

"Your welcome kitten"

"Hey you coming down to breakfast" soap said

"Ya i am,what is it today"

"Biscutes and gravey, my favorite"he said licking his lips

"Mine too" i said

We walked down to breakfast and met up with price and gaz at their table.

"Morning kitten you seem better" price said.

"Morning price. Morning gaz" i said

"Well look at that your a sargent now" gaz said

"Yea i am thank you price i won't let you down"

"I have a feeling you won't" price said

We sat and talked for 30mins. Then we heard this

'Nuclar attack kills 30,000 US troops in russia' said the news lady

"Oh my gosh. Thats horrible"i said

"I guess i should tell you guys now" price said

"What"soap said

"We are having someone come join us" price said

"Oh a fng again" i said

"No he is sgt.griggs he is part of the mirines

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