chapter 7

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I woke up and looked around my room and i saw something on my desk

Goodmorning beautiful. See you at breakfast


A note said.

I got dressed and put my hair up and went to breakfast. Today it was oatmeal or doughnougts. I got a doughnought and coffee and sat with gaz, price , griggs and soap

"Morning guys" i said as i sat by soap

"Morning beautiful" soap said as he gave me a quick kiss on the cheak

"Hey kitten" gaz said

"Good to see you up I thought we would have to get you up for the mission" price said

"No im up" i said

"So you two are a thing now" gaz said

"I guess so"I said

"Well mctavish you sure got a good one" price said

"I guess i did" soap said as he put his arm around me

I blushed a little

"So when do we leave?" I asked

"Soon you two get packed up by nine o'clock and then we will leave " price said as he ate his oatmeal

"Ok price we will" soap said

We sat a-while and chatted in till 8:00 so we could get our stuff together. I got it all packed by 8:20 so i put in my headphones and listened to La Da de by cody simpson and sang it to

"La dade ladadado me ladad you" i sang

And i was danceing in my room then price came in

"Kitten come on-" he said i did'nt see him

At the end i heard clapping

"Price when did you get here" i said

"Ohhh... about 2 minutes ago. I guess you do learn something new everyday, like your a great singer"

"Oh no im not im horrible at it"

"What you sing great. Im surprised you can sing and fight" price said "thats true talent"

"Thanks price"

"Come on kitten we have a mission to go on now"

"Ok" i said

We walked out to the helocopter and everyone was there already

"Ok everyone lets get going. It is simple get warrabe get info"price said

"You always say it's easy" gaz said

"Shut up gaz" price said

I chuckled a little. Price shot a look at me

"What you laughing at kitten" he said with a little playfulness

"Nothing sir" i said then i looked at griggs "are you coming griggs"

"Nah, i'm gonna sit this one out" he said

"Oh ok" i said

Gaz,price,soap,and me got on the helocopter and got into our seats
I sat next to soap and i sat across
From price and gaz sat next to him

"So how far out are we?" I asked

"About a hour im guessing" price said

"coolieo" soap said

We all looked at him and laughed. When you hear a soldger say coolieo you can't help but laugh.

I looked out the window and just thought of the night of the attack on the monsters i don't know why. We lost so many that night,heck i almost lost papyrus,and this time no reset to bring him back. The reset button was destroyed by me after we reached the surface. At the cost of losing monsters and not getting them back

"Kitten are you ok?" Soap asked


"Is something bothering you"

"No im ok" i reassured soap

When we got to our drop off spot price and gaz left the helo soap pulled me in for a quick kiss then he slid down a rope as i folowed him.

we landed right next to a village. Where we met Nikolai and his team to go catch warrabe. We ran up the street to a little house where we were met by enemy militia. We fought them off and ran to a little Farm to find warrbe but he wasn't there. Finally there was a house in the village where he was. Once we broken price tied of him to a chair and innterogated him

" why did you do it. Who is your supplier, who gave you the bomb" price asked

Warrbe just sat there in fear of his life then his phone ring

" sir it is his phone" gaz said

Price grabed the phone and answer it after that shot warrabe

"Who is it sir" soap asked

"Imeran zakav"

I froze at that

Iz" i wispered

"What lass?" Gaz said

"This note i found the day before i left home." I said as i gazed down at the note  in my pocket "i've been wondering who it is from"

"Let me see it kitten" price said
"Why didn't you tell us about this kitten" price asked

"It's my problem, not yours you don't need to worry about it"

"Kitten we are all in this war, and this is all our problem" soap said
With a reasureing smile as he gripped my hand

I leaned my head on him

"It's true kitten" gaz said "were in this together"

"Thanks guys that means alot" i said

Then i left the room. i don't know what zakaev wants with them but he will never get it.

After we got in contact with the Escape helicopter we ran on the city down to the Stream and jumped on the helicopter and went back home. I fell asleep on soap to get my mind off of everything

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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