chapter 6

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We walked out to the helipad and saw a black man step out. He had big brown eyes that have been hardend. I guess it was from recent 30,000 men

"Hi sargent griggs" price said

"Hello captin" griggs said with a far off look in his eyes

He looked sad i could'nt help but feel for him. He lost so much because of that explosion

"Griggs this is gaz, soap,and kitten" price said

"wow i never thought i would see a lady like you here" griggs said smiling a bit

"What dose that mean" i asked

"Oh your just a pretty little soldger" he said

"Oh...thank you griggs thats sweet" i said

Soap looked jellous as he said those sweet words to me. I would never tell him but he looked cute when he got jellous. Oh my gosh i think i like him

"C'mon griggs i will show you to your room"gaz said

"Ok see you guys later" griggs said

We all waved goodbye then me and soap turned to price

"Ok you two have the rest of the day off, then we are going on a mission tommarow" price said

"Whats the mission" i asked

"Were going after warrabe, we believe he's the one that killed all of the troops in russia" he said

"Sounds like a plan captain" soap said

"See you two tommarrow" price said

He walked away and soap turned to me, his blue eyes shining in the sun

"So kitten we have the rest of the day off what you wanna do" soap said

"Well, im not sure i was gonna get more practice at the obstical course" i said

"I was thinking of exploring off the base a bit. You know go see the beach look at the town a bit get a drink. I was wondering if you would accounpany me" soap asked

"Is this a date" i asked

"No but it can be if you want it to be"soap said

I blushed a little i've had a little crush on him for a little bit now

"Well I guess you can pick me up at 4:00 and we can go" i said

"See you then" soap said

"It's a date" i said

I walked to my room and shut my door then i silently screamed a little

"Let's see what will I whare" i said walking to my closet. I found a little pink sun dress with matching sandles that had flowers on the toes

"Ok this will work" i said

By the time it was 3:30 i heard a knock on my door

"Who is it" i called

"Price, can i come in" price said

"Ya come in"

"I heard you and soap are going out to-" he said as he walked in "wow you look nice kitten"

"Thank you price, do you think soap will like it" i asked

"He will love it kitten"

I looked in the mirror and made sure i put my hair up correctly. I put it up in a waterfall braid and a nice hair band to match my outfit

"Did you need something captain?" I asked

"oh... no i was seeing if you where ready for your date. Soap was wondering" price said

"Ya im ready"

"I am too" i heard soap say

He was standing in the door. He had a nice t-shirt and jeans and his mohawk was combed back a little so it was smoother looking

"Wow you look beautiful" he said in his smooth scottish voice

"Thank you soap" i said

"Wanna head out" he asked

"Ya lets go"

"Hey soap i want you two back no later then 10:00" price said

"Ok dad" soap said in a mocking tone

I giggled a little at that

"I'm sirous we have a mission at 1000 tommarrow" price said

"We will price" i said

He smiled at me and that was rare too see him smile. We walked to the parking lot and got in soaps old ford truck

"Where are we going first" i asked

"Well i heard you've never been to the ocean before so i thought we could have a picnic" soap said

"Sounds great" i said

We drove to the sea and it looked beautiful. The water was a cristal blue color and the sun set was beautiful with it

"Ok lets set up here" soap said

He sat out a unbrealla and a blanket then set a little basket down. He pulled two ham sandwiches,chips, and a little fruit plate with grapes and blueberries on it. Then he got a small cooler with a couple of beers

"oh i don't drink" i said

"You don't or you never have?" He said

"Never have" i replied

"Here just one won't hurt ya"

"Ok" i said

We sat on the beach and talked a little while. I never laughed so hard in my life before him

"So then i said 'don't tell me you dropped the soap ever again' " soap said at the end of his story

"Hahahahah, oh my gosh that was funny"I said

"Im getting tiard" i said

"Here this might help" soap said as he pulled me to his chest to let me rest my head there

"You know i never met a man like you soap mctavish" i said

"I never met a girl like you kitten. You make me happy" he said as i blushed

"Thank you soap you make me happy to" i said

I lifted my head from his chest and looked in his dark blue eyes and he looked into mine before he leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked but then I kissed him back. We fell back and i was on top of him untill we finished the kiss

"Wow, i've never been kissed before" i said

"thats a surprise a lady as beautiful as you has never been kissed" soap said

"Well in till now" i said

"Then want another one" he asked

I giggled i shook my head yes and he pulled me back in for another one he was so sweet about it and gentle with how he held me. He sent chills down my spine. I just wanted to stay like that forever.

"Ok we need to get back to base" soap wispered to me after our second kiss

"Ok" i said still starstruck at him

We packed up and got in the truck. We drove up to the base right at 10:00 and he walked me to my room

"I had a great time tonight" i said

"Me too,goodnight beautiful" he said as he kissed my forehead

"Goodnight" i said

He left down the hall and i went to my room and got in my pj's and got in bed with soap as my only thought. I fell asleep with the best memories ever

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