chapter 3

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The doors open and a man came in he looks about late 40's maby. He had a camo suit on and a boonie cap. His name tag said 'capt.price'. He had light blond hair and blue eyes.

"Who the hell's this gaz" he said

"She's the other fng sir" gaz said

"I'm megan dreemer. It's nice to meet you sir" i said

"Well im captain price, your training will begain after lunch"

"Yes sir"

"You can go get your stuff dropped off in your room and head to lunch then after report to hanger one"

"Yes sir captin price"

As we exited the bus i was amazed the camp. I saw a little training course,and alot of hangers where i guess they kept helocopters and trucks. I could smell the sea i've never smelt it before but gaz told me what it was. It looked great i saw a lot of stuff was going on.

"Here's your room key" gaz said

He handed me a little key with a little paper that said' room 141 '
I had to chuckle a little because room 141 and taskforce 141

I headed to the barriks and found my room. It was a concreate room with brown carpet. It had a bed with a little side table with a lamp on top,a desk,and a dresser for clothes i put my clothes in my dresser, a note book on my desk,and a picture of my family on my side table.

"See you guys soon" i said

On my bed i found a set of cammies and a note

Put these on before lunch and put your hair in a tight bun

So i put them on and put my hair up. Then, I went to the mess hall

"Here goes nothing" i said

I walked inside a noisey cafeteria
And as soon as i did people started looking at me funny. I felt unconfortbale as I walked through the crowded room
"Who's the new guy" someone said "it's a girl!" Someone else said

" Look we have a fng and a flp (f-ing little princess)"

I continued to walk through the crowded place till i got my lunch

"Hi" i heard someone say behind me. I looked behind to see a man about my age standing there. He had perceing blue eyes and black hair in a mohalk form. He looked sweet with a hint of arrogance in his eyes

"Hello" i said

"What's your name" he said

"Megan,what's yours"

"Soap mcavish"

"Very nice to meet you" i said

"You too" soap said

"Um do you mind if i sit with you soap"

"No of course not im sitting with captin price and gaz over there"

"Oh ok"

I followed him to the table and we sat down

"Ah. megan you came" price said

"Yes sir i did" i said

"She still need's a call sign sir" gaz said

"A what?" I asked

"A nickname pretty much" soap said

"Oh is that your call sign.Soap?" I said

"Ya my real name is jhon mctavish" soap said

"Yea, everyone has one here" gaz said

"Theres snake,bomb,icepick and alot more" soap said

"Oh... whats mine" i said as i took a bite of pizza

"Im still thinking of it" price said
"Im gonna see how you do in the CQB test first"

"Ok. Is that what i am doing after lunch"

"Yes i heard you have been trained in most skills already"

"Yes sir"

"Great that cuts our time in half"

"Im ready if you are captin" i said

"ok , gaz soap you two get ready for the mission"

"Yes sir" they both said

When they left it was just me and price at the table. we left a minute after

"Wow nice base" i said as we left

"thank you"price replyed

"So when is the mission"

"Well first i need to see how you do on the CQB before you go"

"Well lets do this then"

We entered hanger one and price explained the rules to me and then i climed a ladder to start. when i finished I went to price

"32:67, was your time" he said

"Is that good?"

"For a princess yes"

"Ok well can i go to the mission"

"Yes tomarrow at 0500"

"Ok thank you captain price"

"Get rested up dremmer" he said

As i was walking down the hall i saw soap

"Hey,soap" i said

"Hey how did you do"

"32:67, so im coming with you guys tomarrow"

"Sweet,can't wait"

"Me either"

"Well goodnight megan"

"Night soap"

He went to his room and I went to mine.

'I swear there is something special about him' i thought to myself.

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