The Secret Few: Chapter 4

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Lucas' P.O.V

"SCAR!!" I screamed. I had to find where those freaks went. She was my little sister. I had to get her.

The only problem was that I had a bullet hole in my leg.

I rocked back and forth grabbing my leg. 

The red blood stained my hands and pant leg.

I gasped as another pain shot up my leg. I had never been hurt this bad before.

"Hello?" called a voice. 

I looked up and gasped. Someone was coming.

I crawled to a corner and tried to find a place to hide.

I little girl peeked in and she gasped when she saw me.

"Oh my gosh!" she said, racing to my side. "Are you ok?"

She was young, maybe nine or ten, with dark blond braids and huge eyes. 

She looked at my leg. 

I was shaking. I couldn't move even if I wanted to. 

She took one look at my wound and gasped.

"You were shot?"

I couldn't even nod.

She closed her eyes and then reached for my bloody leg.

I jerked back.

"Shh." she cooed. "it's ok." Then she put her hand over my leg.

I closed my eyes against the pain. 

Then it was gone.

My eyes shot open. 

She was panting and sweat beaded her forehead. 

My wound was gone.

"How'd you..." My voice trailed off.

"Let's say that I have magic fingers." she winked and waved her fingers in my face. She grew serious. "I'm a healer."

I wasn't sure what to say. 

"There are lots of kids like us in New York."


"No, I mean us. You and me. Kids with abilities."

"Oh." I rubbed the back of my neck. Either she was insane or I was. "Wait, How did you know about my-" I stopped when I saw her face.

The girl was absentmindedly staring at the wall. 

"Most of us are running."

"From who?"

"From Sitrus."

"Who is that?" I asked.

The girl's eyes were glazed over and she was deep in thought. I could practically see the thoughts and images flying through that girl's head.

"He chases and captures. When he gets you, there's no coming back. That's how they got Seth." Tears slid down her cheek. "My brother."

I put an arm on her shoulder. 

"My sister was caught by some people too. Let's save her and then we will save your brother."

She gave me a small smile. "I'm Laura by the way."

"Lucas." I stood. The muscle in my leg was a little sore but I could walk. 

"So, how do we find your sister?"

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