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"Psst, Dylan! Get up!" I vaguely hear a familiar voice as I was being rudely shaken awake.

I managed to murmured a "no", while promptly rolling over positioning myself away from the voice.

"Okay fine, get yelled at by Ms. Opal, as if I care!" the voice continued.

'Shit, can't get another lecture from her again,'

Arising from my deep slumber, I scanned the area only to reveal Steve, one of my good friends, crossing his arms at me.

"Look who finally decided to get up, ya jerk." Steve scoffed, angrily glaring.

Rolling my eyes at him, I hopped down out of my bunk bed, and stretched. Steve did the same, and was staring at me oddly.

"What?" I questioned, as I slapped on a shirt.

"Geez, you sure got taller overnight." He answered honestly, observing my height.

It was obvious that I outgrew people my age, and older. For a 13 year old kid reaching the height of 6ft and 11 inches high, it's an anomaly abnormal thought to ever consider that 'normal'. However, it wasn't just my height that was outgrowing. From head to toe, my whole complexion was expanding. I hung my head low, and stared downwards towards Steve.
'Huh maybe I did grow a lot over night? Cool...'

"Come on, dude. Ms. Opal wants you in her office." Steve said, while hurrying out the door.

"What? Why? I didn't do anything yet!" Distressed caught into my emotions, as I tried to retrace my memories of past... incidents.

"Dude, chill. Ms. Opal just told me to come get you, she wasn't pissed. She looked thrilled actually." Steve calmly said, leading me towards her office.

"Alright, I guess..." I mumbled, still pretty unsure about all this.

'What was she planning?'

'Was she gonna kick me out?'

'Am I gonna get another lecture?'

'What if-'

Discontinuing my temporary train of thought, I was snapped back to reality, due to Steve harshly nudging me. He shot me a reassuring grin and a thumbs up, as I attempted to return the same. I slowly knocked on the door, until I heard a brief 'come in'. I hesitantly welcomed myself in, while promptly making my way towards a seat in front of her. There was a long awkward silence between us. Suddenly, she dramatically slammed her desk, and stood up while forming a cheerful smile. I flinched at her unusual behavior, as I pedaled myself back away from this crazy lady.

I managed to ask, "Are you.. okay, Ms.Opal?"

She took a breather, and finally spoke, "Dylan, you're getting adopted!"


Hope ya peeps enjoyed the beginning of my first story. I know it's pretty short (and boring) for a first chapter, but the adventure is just getting started!

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Anyways thanks for reading! Boo bye!!!


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