The Escape

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Izzy’s POV

This is not fair!! A heartless organization of barbarians will soon abduct and indoctrinate my big brother’s brain and advance his intellects! In other words, he’s heading to school…

“Hey kitten, I’m going to school soon.” Whispered Dylan’s voice, as he suddenly stepped into my room.

I groaned in response, as I repositioned myself by rolling in place. I moaned, “Noooo!”

This is so cruel! They're literally kidnapping my brother for eight hours! That's at least a majority of my life wasted in loneliness! Normally I'd throw a tantrum to beg him to stay, but it never works!!

However, a delirious anticipation came to mind the second Dylan departed from my room. I rose from my current position and hopped off the bed. Supposedly, a babysitter was coming in today, due to the fact that mom didn't arrived yet. But, I won't be needing a caretaker where I'm going…

Mischievously, I buried a series of my pillows under my blanket, as a disguise dummy. Not gonna lie, but I watch a lot of TV in my free time.

Sneakily switching out of my unicorn onesie and into a casual wear. I shoved my pj's back into my closet and proceed to my escape.

Gradually twisting my doorknob, I detect my big brother heading downstairs, I assume to have breakfast. In a flash, I burst out of my room and barged into his. Searching for the main element of my plan, I scurried through his rummage of what he calls his room, and Bingo! His pre packed backpack! Due to the fact that he's a giant, all of his necessary belongings are much larger than an average item. So obviously his backpack is like the size of an big screen TV. Leaving no evidence behind me, I hopped inside his bag and sat still.

Gross! His bag reeked of sweat and despair!! What has he put in here!?

Soon enough I heard rumbling footsteps approaching my hiding spot. Unexpectedly, Dylan simply sealed up his backpack and lifted his carry on onto his back. I can't believe he didn't even see me! I'm a genius!!!

“Izzy I'm going!!” Dylan's voice boomed through the hallways, accidentally injuring my eyedrums.

Wobbling around in place, I leaned over to unzip the bag a little, to gain access for some air. This plan is going so good!!

Currently, Dylan and secretly I were boarding his school bus. I start to hear very amplified voices from a variety of individual teenagers. Kinda like an intense rock concert.

I begin to hear unknown voices starting to greet my brother. Wow he's popular…

This is so boring in here, there’s nothing but the stench of dirty socks and school equipment. So I obtained one of Dylan’s mechanical pencil out of his pouch, as I initiated in doodling in one of his text books.

Finally, after a long agonizing bus ride, we reached our destination. School…

Dylan stood up and approached the building, as for I. I was being jammed against his sharp pencils and rough stone hard binders. I should of at least brought a pillow… Good thinking me…

Suddenly I was thrown into a concentrated brick-wall causing me to whimper in pain. This must be Dylan’s locker...

At that instant, the zipper was unanticipatedly rushed open revealing Dylan’s arm hovering above me. Uh Oh!

Quickly, I held a random notebook in front me, as he cluelessly snatched it out of my grasp and disappeared from my view. I’m in such a lucky streak…

“Yo Dyl, do you have a american girl doll or barbie in your bag?” An unfamiliar voice interfered with my happy thoughts.

Covertly glancing over from my miniature peephole, I discover a male with blonde spiky hair briefly inspecting Dylan’s locker.

“What are you talking about, idiot?” harshly replied from my dear big brother.

“Dude, I swear I saw something buried in your backpack!” Stating of what I assume is Dylan’s friend.


I tried stowing my tiny self deeper into the backpack and shuffle underneath the school supplies. Nonetheless, there's no doubt I will be exposed soon.

A large hand hover above me, as it came shooting down rummaging through Dylan's belongings. Unexpectedly, that hand came in contact with my precious hair. Next thing I knew, my whole tiny self was promptly carried out of the bag and into the light.

“Dude why is there a baby in your backpack?” Dylan's friend who's currently holding onto me.

“What are you… IZZY?!” Dylan cautiously shifted his head, directing it towards me.

I didn't exactly comprehend if he was furious at me or not… I mean who wouldn't want to see me? Especially Dylan!

Crowds of teenagers began surrounding the three of us. Boys stared in confusion at Dylan, while the chicks start fawning over me.

“Omg Dylan! Is that your baby sister you were talking about?” Questioned one of the bimbos with at least ten pounds of makeup. She looks like a barbie...

All the individuals began surrounding me, drifting me farther from Dylan. This wasn't the plan! I'm supposed to be with Dylan, not away from him!

“Dywan…” Uncontrollably, a single tear escaped from my eyes, as I begin to weep in despair. I want Dylan!!!

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?” A insanely loud blustering voice boomed through the halls.

Everyone started to cower in fear, as a strange dark shadow looms over us. I hesitantly shifted my head upwards, to reveal a giant old man looming over us. Oh ma god…

Next thing I knew, I was abruptly chucked into familiar arms and everyone started pointing directly at me.

“Mr. Harper, to my office, now.” The giant angry looking dude exclaimed, with nothing but rage in his eyes. What's he pissed about?

Rotating my vision at my holder, I detect my big brother with a flustered expression. Uh oh…

Dylan soon stepped forward and trailed not too far behind the giant man.

Isabela… Why did you come to school  with me?” Dylan asked with a stern intimidating voice, staring with a boring expressionless face.

His dead like eyes always scares me… So I purposely shoved my face into his chest, to prevent me from staring at him.

“I miss you. It gets lonely at home…” I managed to muffle into his shoulder.

All he did was sigh, and embrace me even tighter. He's so warm, I don't want to let go…

Moments later, we were in what I would assume is the principal's office. Dylan briefly explained the situation, as I kept my mouth shut the whole conversation.

“I see, well let me call your mother and inform her that she's here, so she could pick her up. In the meantime, I think it will be best if you stay here with your sister.” The giant strictly advised, as he promptly left the room.

Dylan shot me a death glare, and spoke, “Izzy, this isn't funny anymore! What if we never realized you were in there? You could suffocate in that locker! Or-”

“Okay! But, is it that bad to miss my bwother whenevew you weave me!” I argued back, hopping off of Dylan's lap.

And that ended our argument. The both of us kept silent after that… he didn't even give the slightest attempt to stop me.

I sat down at the opposite corner of the room, away from Dylan. This is the first time we've ever fought before. And the outcome of it, is beyond me...

I mean…

I don't deserve such animality for missing my brother...right?

Heyhooo! I'm so sorry for not being able to update yesterday! I know I'm horrible, and I'm sorry! Anyways here's y'all chapter!!!

And as always...

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Gotta blast!


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