Birthday Princess!

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(Woohoo! September 8th! Isss ma Birthday today!!)

Izzy's POV

Today is an EXTRAORDINARY day! Today is a day where calories on cakes don't count! Today is a day when an incredibly special person came out of their mommy's tum tum! And, today is a day that a literal princess was born! And that countess of royalty is me!!! Today's my birthday!! Woohoo!!

On this annual occasion, I'm specifically turning five! That's a whole hand!!!

Due to my hyper and restless prospection that accompanied me ever since last night, I managed to take advantage and use the liberty to excitedly caper out of my room and scurry into the best existing place ever... Dylan's room!

Twisting open my brother's room doorknob, I proudly welcomed myself in his room without his consent, and ventured into his retrocious bed room. Currently, my grubby big brother is still unconscious on his bed, developing a blotchy stream flooding from his mouth.

With all my birthday high-strung energy, I boosted my tiny legs up onto his bed, hoping to potentially awaken the beast.

"Dywannn! Wakey wakey!" I annoyingly squealed, in a singy-song voice, while constantly poking his cheek.
Immediately, his eyelids gradually widened, as he slowly directed his pupil towards me.

"Ughhh... oh, hey Iz..." Dylan grumbled, with his raspy wake-up voice, "What's up?"

My little face dramatically dropped, as my tiny mouth hole shot opened in disbelief. WHAAAAAA?!?! HE DID NOT! HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW MY BIRTHDAY?!?

Before the droplet of utter agonizing grief escaped my eyes, I hear a mischievous snicker from above, as I soon comprehend that I just fooled myself...

Without warning, Dylan abruptly sweeps me off my feet as he lures me into a much familiar and sweltering confinement. Uncontrollably pressing myself deeper into this pleasant cushion, a heated peck was embedded upon my head.

"Jeez, don't be such a drama queen, Baby!" Dylan expressed sarcastically while withdrawing myself out of his chest. Hmph! How rude!

Then, he forced me into a gentle headlock and lightly nudged my head, "Happy birthday, cutie!"

Okay, maybe Dylan wasn't a total dummy after all!

"Alright! Let's get you ready for your big day!" Dylan announced, as he set me on top of his neck and lead us back to my room.

"Hey, Dywan?" I asked quietly, in a much sneakily fashion.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" He immediately stopped in his tracks, as he stared at me with concern.

"Nothing's wong... I have a question that weawwy needs an answer." I continued, with a smug look.

"Go on..."

"What did you get me for my biwthday?" I asked as sweetly as possible, with an extremely innocent voice, hoping not to be too pushy.

"Really, Iz?" He groaned, shooting me an aggravated expression, that scared the literal poopies out of me, "You're not getting it until later, okay?"


"Anyways Iz, put this on," Dylan said calmly as possible, revealing a pink blouse with a majestic tutu attached to it. It's so bootiful...

"Okay then, take off your shirt." He ordered as he started lifting off the edges of my shirt.

Without hesitation, I whacked his large fingers away from my shirt, demanding him to halt.

"Stop! Boys don't take off my shiwt unwess they'we mawwied!" I squeaked.

Dylan shot me a puzzled look, as he slowly shuffled away from me, "Jeez, you just turned five and you're as bossy as ever!"

Once he securely blocked his vision with his huge hands, I took the liberty to remove my teddy bear onesie and exposed my baby complexity. Slipping into my birthday suit, I twirled around in a princessy matter. Out of the blue, my princess moment was rudely interrupted by the beast in front of me, who shoved his giant finger onto my baby fat!

"Hey! That's not nice." I pouted, hanging my bottom lip.

"Well, too bad! Anyways, that isn't how a princess should act! So quit your pouting." Dylan spoke politely, as he began dusting off my tutu, and lifted myself up.

Soon, the edges of my mouth elevated upwards, creating my signature smile.

"Aww~ now there's that smile!" Dylan awed in satisfaction, as he tenderly smooched my forehead.

After, we finally continued forth to the kitchen. However, for some unknown reason, all the lights were shut down as well as all of the blinds, bringing nothing but pure darkness in the atmosphere. Isn't it early in the morning??

Fear filled inside me, as I stared aimlessly into the dark abyss. Where was everyone? Mommy?!




Out of nowhere, friends, family, and additional loved ones flashed out of their hiding spots, screaming their birthday wishes.

"Happy birthday my little angel!!" My mommy greeted as she aimed at least 500 kisses upon my little-shocked face.

"Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU, MOMMY!!!" I screeched, as Dylan scooted me closer to bestow a huge kiss upon my mom's cheek.

Meanwhile, after Dylan dropped me down, I ran straight to my kindergarten buddies!

"Come on guys let's go have some fun!!" I hollered, as I lead my army of little children out the door to our backyard.

Today is gonna be amazing!!!!

Yayyy! Todays my birthday! I apologize if this was posted late, mainly because I was completely busy with school and my birthday party... Honestly, my schedule is really whacked up, but at least I managed to fit in a chapter for today! Anyways, it's ma birthday! Time to share some BIRTHDAY MAGIC!! AM I RIGHT?!?

Anyways, as always...

Don't forget to Share, Vote, Comment, and Follow my profile!!


~Birthday Potato <3

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