Hopeless Romantic

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Dylan's POV

After an endless overdose of pure labor, school is finally OVER!!! For today...

Presently, me and my friend, Aubrey, were approaching my humble abode, to complete a project that was recently assigned to us. My stupid old hag of a teacher, purposely designated Aubrey and I to become partners for her own pleasure. And it's not that I don't enjoy her in my presence! It's just that Aubrey can tend to be unintentionally clingy towards me, and I can't comprehend why.

Anyways, proceeding to unlock my giant door, the gentlemen I am, pleasantly welcomed Aubrey in first into my extraordinary home.

"Nice house, Dyl," Aubrey calmly spoke, as she aimlessly wandered her head around the place, while bestowing me a somewhat charming closed eye smile.

However, before I had any opportunities to reciprocate, heavy pandemonium of rambunctious thumping noises advanced its way to our current position.

"DYWAAAAAAAANNN!!" Right on cue, my heart throbbing bundle of joy, commonly referred to as my darling baby sister, emerged from the distance and rushes over to tenderly cuddle with my leg. As always...

Straightforward, I uplifted Izzy up into the air and aimed an absorbing smooch onto the surface of her delicate cheek. Soon, my widdle angel granted a gingerly peck against my nose, as she nuzzled her little head into the crook of my neck. Damn, why is she so cute?!

Suddenly, someone roughly cleared their throat causing us to prematurely wrap up our miniature heartwarming sibling moment. Immediately, Izzy and I shot our heads to the victim who committed such casualties, which was none other than Aubrey! Who I totally forgot was here... whoops.

"Who dat?" Izzy cautiously breathed, as she shoots severe glares at my friend.

"Oh... right! Izzy meet Aubrey, she's here to work on a project with me for school." I simply explained, gently setting her back on the floor.

"Why hello, cutie! It's very nice to meet you." stated Aubrey, who was obviously trying way too hard to mask her emphasised excitement.

Unexpectedly, Izzy exposed her 'Sherlock Holmes' side of hers, as she precisely squinted her eyes, and steadily pinpointed Aubrey as she circumnavigate her figure. Subsequently a moment after her expressly inspections, she promptly took a step back, and nothing but a disconcerted expression was displayed upon her little face.

"Ew." spurted out of Izzy's mouth, as Aubrey's attendances didn't accurately fulfill her adequate satisfaction.

However, Aubrey's eyes widened as she sends cacophonous daggers aiming at my inattentively little sister. Yikes talk about a horrendous first impressions!

"Excuse me?" Aubrey scoffed, obviously taking Izzy's opinion WAY too seriously.

Nonetheless, Izzy nonchalantly stuck her tongue out, and promptly exited the room. Thank goodness she did though... I didn't apprehend how much longer Aubrey could sustain Izzy's negative assumptions. Aubrey was literally on edge, and would've cracked any second if Izzy continued!

Meanwhile after that delaying dilemma, Aubrey and I finally gotten down to business and began our trivial project. Currently, we were researching about the prior circumstances concentrating on the foregoing issues between giants and humans. I wouldn't have ever considered that giants and humans were ever rivals before...

"Hey Dyl," Aubrey calmly spoke, luring all my attention towards her attractive glowing green eyes, as I allowed her to continue "Do you wanna maybe... hang out mor-"

Out of the blue, the door to my room suddenly burst open revealing, once more, the literal light of my life wearing my oversized headphones while blasting a difficult song that I wasn't able to comprehend.

"AND THE FAKERS GONNA FAKE, FAKE, FAKE, FAKE! BABY, I'M JUST GONNA SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE! I SHAKE IT OFF, I SHAKE IT OFF!!" Izzy literally screeched, piercing me and Aubrey's eardrums.

Startlingly, Izzy purposely inserted herself in between Aubrey and I, as she bulldozed through cramming into my stomach. Enduringly grasping onto my sides, my incredibly interrupting sister whirled around and shot Aubrey a menacing grimacing look.

"Mine..." Izzy muttered under her breath, continuing to utilize literally all of her baby durability to squeeze my stomach airtight.

I hesitantly spared a passing glance, only to detect an uncontrollably pissed Aubrey staring insanely irritatedly, down at my sister's overprotective behavior.

"Y-You know what! I think I'm gonna head home now!" Aubrey demanded, as she swiftly gathered all of her belongings and made her way out of my room.

Trailing not too far behind, I immediately caught up to her position.

"I'm really sorry about my sister," I sheepishly apologized, as I awkwardly scratch the back of my head, "we can hang out at your place if you want, next time."

Soon, her somewhat innocent grin returned back onto her face as she calmly spoke, "I'd love to! I'll text yo-"

Suddenly, Izzy controlled all her strength to slam the door shut, causing Aubrey to discontinue her sentence.

"And stway out, you pwest!" Izzy yelped in front of the door, as she casually proceeded her way out of the room.

However, I immediately clinched my fingers onto the back of her shirt before she could escape. Luring her back, I elevating her up to my eye level, I harshly narrowed my eyes at her and directly spoke.

"Izzy... why were you acting so weird in front of Aubrey?" I questioned, with nothing but frustration and curiosity hinted in the back of my voice.

"I wasn't acting! I was being my own owdinawy self!" Izzy sheepishly shrugged her shoulders, while stating the obvious.

"pwus she was being a bitch..." she murmured under her breath, unknowingly that I would be able to hear it.

However, before I could protest about her foul language, she immediately shut me up by shoving herself deeply into the crook of my neck.

"Don't mawwy hew..." she muttered into my neck, causing it to vibrate. Wait what? Marry her?!

"Izzy were not even dating!?" I stated honestly, as I forcely pulled Izzy out of my chest.

Unexpectedly, her eyes widened as her eyes twitch, due to aggravation. Soon, she automatically face palmed herself, and immediately said, "Dywan... youw a hopewess womantic..."

What's that supposed to mean?!?!

Izzy's a bit... Yandere!

Well that was... something... I know this chapter is really bad, but I promise to make up for it the next chapter! Also, I'm sorry that I haven't been publishing for awhile. There was school and some other shit I had to deal with...

Anyways, as always

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