Chapter 2

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(*_*) Jordan

"Babe I'm home!"

There was no response from the empty house. He walked through the door getting himself settled into their apartment. Jordan took a sip of his drink and was instantly reminded of the strange barista at the coffee shop. He sat down on his couch and turned the T.V. on. He tried to concentrate on what he was watching but he couldn't so he decided to text his girlfriend Clarissa.

"Hey Isa I'm back home now from my walk. Just wondering where you went. Anyways, want do you want for dinner tonight? Text me back.


He dropped his phone on the white soft couch. Staring off into space his mind wondered off and suddenly his mind was filled with thoughts of that barista. He wondered why he was thinking about her so much, something about their encounter bothered him. Like he could still feel her finger tips grazing his as he handed her the money. Before he realized it his eyes focused on his hand.

What was her name? Hmm, oh I think it was Sky. Yeah that sounds about right.

He remembered her name from her name tag. But he was still confused. Why could he still feel her touch lingering against his hand? Like every romance story he felt a spark as well, but he denied his emotions. Thinking to himself that he needed some rest.

Yeah, I'm just tired that's all. But I have to admit, she looked pretty darn cute when she blushed. Wait... Dammit Jordan you have a girlfriend for goodness sake's! Remember her name is Clarissa and you guys live together in this apartment. Remember how she feels in your arms Jordan, you don't want to loose her just because of one stranger do you? That's what I thought so... Man I'm fighting with myself, i really should get some rest.

After fighting with himself Jordan drifted off into a deep sleep on the couch.


Jordan woke up to the sound of camera shutter sounds.

What the hel-?

His green eyes shot open to see Clarissa taking pictures of him sleeping on the couch.

"Awwwwwww! You look so cute curled into a little ball sleeping!"

"No I don't! Let me sleeeeeeeeep!"

"I brought home some dinner Jordy. Come on let's eat I'm starving!"

Clarissa fixed the food on the table and Jordan slowly started to get up. When he realized Clarissa brought home Panda Express he started to help her fix their table for two. Panda Express was his favorite place to get orange chicken. After setting up the table he pulled out her chair like a gentlemen and kissed her forehead. He sat down and began to devour his food.

"Sorry I'm home a little late. I had some uh things to finish for work."

"No worries I was just really bored and needed you here with me because I missed you so much."

"Anyways I have something for you!"

Clarissa brought out a small plastic bag from behind her back. It was a picture frame full of their adventures together this past year.

"Happy anniversary Jordan!" She exclaimed with a big smile.

OH CRAP! THAT WAS TODAY? I'm soo dead later. Quick think of something Jordan! You need to save your freaking relationship right now, hmmm. OH I KNOW!

"Thanks Isa. Wow this is so cool. Mine won't really compete with this though."

He took off his braclet that said "J. Peterson" and put it on her wrist. Clarissa looked up and with out saying a single word Jordan pressed his lips against hers. Her response was sweet and meaningful during the kiss, but Jordan soon got distracted by Sky. He pulled back and smiled.

Damn why does this Sky person keep popping out of nowhere? It's getting annoying, Clarissa is my girl and I love her. Sky is just a stranger.

After finishing their dinner they cleaned up the table and went to sit down on the couch. After talking they decided to watch Netflix all night.


After a few movies it was getting late. The two soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

"Good night Sky." Jordan murmured as he fell asleep holding a very exhausted Clarissa...


So it's been a while right? Haha anyways hope you enjoyed!


P.S: wrote this in PE class haha I don't like running.

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