Chapter 4

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~(^-^~) Sky

Today was Saturday, Sky had the whole day to herself. She woke up not feeling any different. Slowly she opened her eyes. She was greeted with a blank ceiling and a dim bedroom. It was her lazy day, so she just lay there, staring up at the ceiling. Studying it she began to notice every small detail it contained. A bit of chipped paint, a few spots of smooth areas, but mostly rough textures and bumps. As she gazed up at the ordinary ceiling ideas, thoughts, and questions began to occupy her mind. Her thoughts distracted her from the cream colored ceiling. Sky was starting to zone out when her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by her phone going off. Her gaze fell on her clock, 5:15 am.

Why do I always wake up so early?

She took her black iPhone 5s into her flimsy hands and checked it.

iMessage from Adrian

Why is he texting me so early? It better be something important.

Sky groaned and proceeded to read his message.

A- Good morning beautiful, if you are awake call me ok?

S- Adrian its 5 in the morning, can we just text?

A- Um, actually can you just open you front door? >:3


*Ding Dong*

Caught off guard, Sky jumped and fell off her comfy bed. She groaned once more and lazily got off the cold hard wood floor. Putting on a pair of basketball shorts over her girl boxers, she made her way to the front door. Sky took a quick peek through the peep hole and unlocked the door. She opened the door and there he was, Adrian was standing at her door step wearing a black hoodie and sweats. She glanced down at the item he was holding, it was a rose. She was filled with couriosity and nervousness.

"Hi sky," he greeted.

"Uhh, hey Adrian, what's with the rose?" Sky said with a questioning look.

"Its for you, go on a date with me, tomorrow at 7," he handed her the rose with a suggesting look. She took the rose, but handed it back to Adrian. A frown washed away his hopeful smile.

"I'm sorry Adrian, I just can't. You know, we agreed to be friends."

"I know, I know. But one date, just one date. Its not like your going to fall for my amazingly charming good looks anyways," he said as he raised an eyebrow at Sky and smirked. But what she didn't notice was how hard he had already fallen for her. Since the beginning he was there for her, through her break-ups and the tough times with her family. Adrian was the only friend Sky ever had. After those two bastards hurt Sky, he promised to never hurt her. All he wanted was to protect her, to make Sky happy. In the process Adrian fell in love. He fell for her deep brown eyes, her amazing body, to Adrian everything about Sky was perfect. Adrian wanted to make Sky realize how amazing she really is. He tried his best to hide his feelings for Sky, but he couldn't take it anymore. Adrian wanted a date with the girl that was different, in a good way.

"Please?" Adrian asked, he words oozing desperation.

I guess one date won't hurt, but would it be fair to the both of us?

"No, I'm sorry Adrian. It wouldn't be fair for the both of us and you know that. You are a great guy, you deserve a better girl than me."

He looked down at the red rose in his hands with disappointment. But at that very moment he promised himself that one day he would make Sky love him, she just felt so right.

"Ok," he replied flatly. He gave the rose back to sky.

"Keep it Sky, it was ment for you, no one else.

With that Adrian gave Sky a small smile, he quickly hugged her and walked away from her appartment door. Sky closed the door, looking at the rose in her hands she sighed. She didn't like leaving Adrian hanging like that but he needed to understand that a serious relationship between them would never work. She didn't want to lose him, he was all she had.

He worries me at times, sometimes he gives me bad vibes. I feel bad for him, its not like he can't get any girl he wants. Every girl he passes wants him, I don't understand why he wants me. I'm not special.

As she walked back to her room, Sky placed the rose in a vase along with the other roses he had given her. Sky got dressed for her day off. She wore dark skinny jeans, red vans, a Navy sweater, and put her long, wavy hair up into a messy bun. She has a thing for messing buns. Sky then packed her special drawing pad, pencils, pens, erasers, headphones, and other personal items in her Jansport backpack and headed out the door.


Sorry for the slow updates, I've had writers block for a while now. But, like always, hope you enjoyed the kind of short chapter. I promise to update soon, I have some plans for this story. Bye!


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