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"Yes, yes, YES!" I screamed. I just got invited to a party! That means I can make friends and dance and dance and make friends and dance *breaths*- I'm so excited! I run and look at the clock I have about 30 minutes. The party starts at 9:00. I made a timer for 8:45 so I can get ready and make sure I'm lookin' good! I hop into the shower making sure it's the PERFECT temperature! Who doesn't love it when you hop in the shower and it's absolutely perfect and you don't want to leave. Well, I have to leave because, PARTY! I wash in my super mature woman smelling soap. I smells light and doesn't murder your nose! I wash my hair in this super delicious mature woman smelling shampoo! I hop out the shower and run into my room. I forgot a towel so I shake off the water. Just like a little dog!

Now it's clothes. I have to be cute, but daring! I sift through my closet, which I really should sort. I see the perfect top! It is my usual crop top, but with long sleeves! It is pastel purple, pink, and turquoise in a gradient! Perfect! After 2 minutes of sifting I find some super cute shorts! They are just some, simple, black, high-waisted shorts. Black goes with everything am I right? Probably not. I realize that I am about 5 minutes late! NOOO! PARTY! :'(

I run as fast as my body lets me. My short minty hair flies in my face.

I finally make it to the house of the party! The music inside is booming and it excites me! I've never really been to a party. The parties I go to I get kicked out of. They say I'm too "energetic". Come on! It's a party! You're supposed to be! Welp! Time to make some new friends! Ohh~! Can't wait! I pep myself up by jumping up and down and jog in place. People arriving look at me like I'm odd! Whatever!

"Now, she knows how to get ready for a party!" I hear someone say. I turned around and see one of my friends! We haven't talked in a while so I'm happy to see him! "Naruto! My friend!" I yelled at him while I lunge at him. I surround him in a hug which I feel him happily return. I them spot a girl walked behind him. "HINATAAAA!" I scream! I run and tackle her to them ground in which she responds by giggling. Hinata and I are really good friends! (That's why she didn't murder me for touching Naruto.) I get up and help her up. As soon as we do get up the music gets louder! "TIME TO PARTY!" Naruto and I yell. Naruto grabs my hand, while I grab Hinata. We them run full speed into the party!


$orry yhese chaptets are so short,peace!✌

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