town 3 (part 3)

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I woke up early this morning and was going to take a morning walk. When I stepped outside Gaara was leaning against the wall. "Ah, Gaara. What're you doing out here?"

"Just guarding the room." I forgot that he couldn't sleep. How could a human cope with not sleeping for maybe his whole life? I shed this tear for someone who could not at least experience the joys of sleep.

Instead of walking, I decide to stay and talk.

"So, Gaara, about yesterday…"

"I was tired and angry. You have to get rid of that aggression somehow. I actually felt relatively calm."

"Oh, so, now…"

"Yeah." I grin and pat Gaara on the back. Finally. I actually didn't have to do much. I would continue questioning him but, the door of Chikas sister's house slams. She stomps towards the house and stand in front of us pouting. "I plan on coming with you all to the castle." she simply states with her arms crossed. "Ok?"

After awhile, Mono came outside and was ready to go to the castle. "Where's Fu?" I ask.

"She's getting ready." We waited for while and she finally came out. She looked refreshed. "Come on! Let's go meet the Queen!" she said marching towards the front. She looked back and smiled at Gaara. He gave her a smile too.


I miss Hinata…

We make our way there and Mono not very happy. Chika isn't either. It is really a nice castle. It's like a mansion instead. You usually think of a stone building with an alligator moat but, it's not. It is mostly marble with some stone here and there. The guards stop us. "Akihiko can only come past this point."

"No, sir. We are his personal bodyguards and due to your 'problems' with him, we will not leave him with you."

The guards snarled and let us through. "Akihiko. *coughcough*"

"Yes, King Uvo?"

It was an elderly man he was very weak with his hair fading. "I am here to give you my approval. I will make sure that you are right for my daughter."

"I assure you this process will be easy." he gave the King a weak smile.

Mono tried his best to respect the King. Which is a good choice. If you want to be with the daughter who could easily be hidden from you, you need to be as nice as possible.

"I'll try my best to make this kingdom great!" Mono exclaimed.

"Yes, yes. MONO."

The King suddenly said his nickname and guards started pouring into the room.

"Mono, you have ruined some of my best clients lives. You should've known I wouldn't have let you in here that easily. Get the ninjas first."

The guards started marching towards us while we surrounded Mono.

Swirls of sand formed at our feet and the swirls spiraled outwards. Sand covered the whole floor. The guards paid it no mind and charged towards us. Fu jumped up and kicked a guard in the face. I threw a guard onto the ground. Gaara stopped multiple people in the back and covered them with piles of sand. Guards kept coming and we started losing energy. It was endless and soon enough we had no choice but to stop. The guards grabbed us and took us the King. "You are great warriors! You would make great members of my army. But, it would be useless since you'll betray me. Guards...kill them." Suddenly, a knife went through my stomach. The knife slid through my body, then I fell to the ground and disappeared into the sand. And then turned in sand.

We burst through the ground and I tackles the King while Gaara and Fu covered every exit. There weren't many which is the downside and being in lots of protection. "King, what is the meaning of this?" Mono asked. "I shall not *cough* die and have my name tarnished. I will remain the King with No Secrets!"

"The truth of the kingdom's wrongdoings WILL be revealed and I shall have it no other way. King Uvo,"

I let go of him and he falls to the ground. He struggled to hold himself up.

"I will rule this kingdom. And I will be a better King than anyone could ever imagine. And I will also marry your daughter and I promise to protect her, sir!"

The King stood up and wobbled towards Mono. I was about to move but, Mono motioned for me to stop. The King placed his palm on Mono's chest.

"Sutauto Mono, I give you the Blessing of Sarutahiko Okami. That you will rule this kingdom with strength and you will be guided and you will guide this kingdom. My last dying wishes are for you to be a better King than I have been and protect my daughter of whom I love. Arigatou gozaimazu, Idaina-sha." And with that he fell to the floor.

I saw something in Mono's eyes. He was really sad. Who would've been sad about someone who tried to kill you dying. Perhaps, it had a deeper meaning. I just didn't understand yet.


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