Sleeping Arrangements

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"Belle, we're here. You gotta open your eyes." Peter said quietly. I blinked a few times to get used to the bright lights that infiltrated the kitchen.

"I knew that was a long ass walk." I laughed, as he sat me down on one of the stools next to the island. Everyone had left the space by now, disappearing to their rooms. Pete walked towards the opposite counter, where the fruit bowl was and threw me an apple. I caught it without looking up and took a bite out of it.

"So what do you want to eat, I can't really cook, although there's always -"

"POPTARTS" We shouted at the same time, making us both laugh hysterically. "Wait, how the hell did you know about Poptarts?" He questioned, knowing the years I spent training, constantly locked in the away in a rotting building.

"Well, when Nat and I used to actually get along, she used to tell me stories out our family and how we used to eat Poptarts every Sunday as a breakfast treat," I answered, reminiscing and smiling at the memory.

"What flavor do you want? Thor is slightly obsessed, so if you name it we probably have it somewhere." He said, sitting on the other side of the island to me, handing me a glass of water.

"Thanks. And do you have chocolate chip, if that's okay?" He nods before making the good and putting it on a plate, in the meantime, I munch on my apple and drink my glass of water. He hands me the amazing scented food as I smile at him.

"Thank you, Parker. For all of this." I said, looking down at the plate as a blush appeared on my cheeks. As I ate, he just sat there smiling at me.

I finished after 10 minutes and he was still sat there, directly across from me, watching carefully. "Can you walk?" He asked once I pushed away my plate slightly. He rushed to my side as soon as I stood up, making me smile but roll my eyes jokingly.

"Peter, I'm fine," I answered honestly. I walked down the hall after putting my glass and plate in the sink and the apple core in the bin beside it. He stood beside me the whole time, making sure I didn't fall over. The exhaustion became present, just like it did last time in his bedroom and I gripped onto him, falling slightly like last time. He grabbed me around the waist and held me up, stopping me from falling to the floor.

I hated it so much, it made me feel so weak, like a damsel in distress who needed saving from a prince. It felt like he had to be there to stop me from literally falling on the floor, and I think if anything that made me more tired, knowing that I literally couldn't walk around a building without needing him there.

"Okay, we need to check this with Bruce and Mr. Stark in the morning." He said, lifting me up like last time, with one arm resting on the bottom of my back and the other holding me up underneath the back of my knees. I shook my head as he laughed, my eyes closing and resting against his chest, just like twenty minutes ago.

A couple of minutes later, I felt myself being put onto a bed gently and covers being placed over me, my eyes fluttered open as Peter took a pillow from the other side and a blanket from one of the closets. He laid on the floor and put the blanket over himself.

"Peter? I can sleep on the floor. It's what I promise anyway." I said, in a hushed tone.

"It's fine, the beds warmer for you anyways, you might get sick if you stay on the floor." He said, turning around so he was facing me.

"You know earlier on when you carried me to get food? You could have just left me here." I said honestly, shuffling my pillow.

"Yup, but I wanted an excuse to spend more time with you." He said with a smirk and turned over so he was facing the door. I went to say something but I found myself falling asleep.

"You killed everyone, Belle. You will ruin The Avengers." A voice said and images rush through my mind, of all of them being shot or stabbed repeatedly, one by one in a line. But it was me, I was killing them, with my own hands. The last in the line was Peter. He was screaming my name, everything seemed to slow down.

"Did you really think I loved you? I was only pretending so I could kill you all. One. By. One" I said in a dark voice, my eyes and shaking body said otherwise, I was being controlled. The gun pulled up to head, and the trigger was pulled before I could stop it, the last thing I saw was him screaming my name.

I woke up to someone shaking me, calling my name. I shouted out, crying. My eyes shot open as I saw Peter's look of concern sprawled across his face.

"Are you okay?" He said, letting go of my arms, and looking at me, especially my eyes, almost making sure that the nightmares disappeared from my vision.

"Yeah-yeah I'm fine. Sorry to wake you, I always get these." He nodded before going to lay back down on the floor. "Peter?" I asked, his head snapped in my direction.

"Yeah?" He replied. His voice was so soft, yet deeper than before as I must have woken him up by the screams. Stupid me.

"Can you stay with me?" I said quietly, expecting him to scowl and turn away, instead, I watched his lips curl into a small smiled as a pink form on his cheeks.

"Of course." He said, and walked around to the other side of the bed, slipping under the covers. I turned to face him and smiled.

"Thank you, Parker," I whispered. As sleep crept up on me, I felt his hand reach up and tuck some hair away from my face and wipe the tears from my eyes. My smile widened slightly, but I turned around to face the door so he didn't see my blushed face. His arm sneakily slipped around my waist and pulled me closer towards him, so the back of my head was leaning against his chest. He was like a freaking teddy bear, no joke. I didn't even attempt to move, he was like a human hot bloody water bottle.

"Goodnight, Belle." He whispered, loosening his grip slightly so that I could move in the night.

"Goodnight, Pete," I replied, shutting my eyes again and drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

(Rewritten on the 31st of October, 2017 {Happy Halloween})

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