strawberries and grapes

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I woke up feeling refreshed, I rolled around in the bed to see Nagito's sleeping face close to mine, my face burned a little as I blushed, man I can't belive how things have changed, I still don't 100% trust him and I need to keep my gaurd up around him but I am glad I'm not alone through all of this. Just as I thought that he woke up and we made eye contact, my face got more red, I was staring at him whilst he was asleep and he woke up, oh god help me this is so embarrassing, I buried my head into the mattress. Nagito laughed at me then wrapped his arm around me,
"Were you watching me sleep?" He taunted,
"No" I mumbled into the mattress. This got another chuckle from him, he moved his arm which pulled me closer to him, then he moved my face out of the mattress and pulled me into a hug. Once we finally got out of bed we went to get breakfast, we were told by Monomi that there is a new island open, so after breakfast we all went to explore the new island, it looked like we walked into a fairground.
Once everyone explored we were told to get in the roller coaster then we received information that had Byakuya in them, Nagito seemed to be really into it but I didn't really stay focused, I just don't like things being complicated. After everyone discussed the new information we were told to ride the train, we got on to the train and it set off, after a few minutes every thing started to go blurry, I felt so sleepy....

When we all came too we where in a garden thing in a bright pink strawberry wallpaper room. We all discussed about spliting up and exploring the area, Nagito immediately took my hand before anyone had a chance to say who they wanted to go with, me and Nagito went to explore and once finnished we went to meet everyone else. Once we where all together we where taken to another place called grape house. After everyone explored we came together to discuss our findings, then people bought up the situation of sleeping arrangements , Sonia chose the grape house for us girls and the guys had strawberry house however there would be someone with out a room,
"I'll have __ in my room" Nagito spoke without hesitation,
A few people made faces but held back any comments, however it made sense since they thought we where a couple, yes we are but they don't know yet, that and it's better then having someone else share a room, with everyone on edge with each other that realy wouldn't be a good idea. Hajime didn't look too happy about me and Nagito sharing but everyone was okay with it so far, at least it ment everyone had a room.

After a few days in this place people where getting a bit edgy, I was so hungry I didn't leave the room very much I wanted to conserve energy, Nagito state in the room most days aswelll to keep me company. However it wasn't long before there was an anouncemt about a dead body beeing found, we at strawberry house looked around then decided to go to grape house, however the elevator was broken, I stoped by Kazuichi trying to help him repair it when I knotice Nagito had gone missing. I shrugged it off and went back to helping Kazuichi, we finally got it fixed and the guys got together to go at grape house, again Nagito didn't show up.
We are running out of time so we need to get over, see the body and fully investigate. When we got over there I split from the group to find Chiaki. She was with Hajime and Nagito !?
"What's going on here? How did you get here?"
He stood there with a superior look on his face looking down on Hajime, oh no they didn't fight did they!
Hajime pushed past me looking frustrated, it kinda hurt, what did I do?
"__ are you okay " Nagito walked up to me and rubbed the shoulder Hajime ran into,
"I'll be taking my leave" Chiaki stated before leaving,
"Is every thing okay Nagito?"
He didn't respond, he continued to look at the spot on my shoulder that Hajime hit, then he moved me gently out of the way and walked off.
I don't understand what's going on?
I walked back down to where everyone else was, the trial was about to start so we set off to the room.

Through out the trial Nagito was beeing horrible to everyone especially Hajime, I don't understand where this attitude came from. When the trial finnished and Gundham was sent to punishment, Nagito left which felt strange normally we leave together, people noticed this as well but I dissmissed it like nothing was wrong, I went to look after Sonia who was rather upset about Gundham.

We all left the trial room, I went to Nagito's cottage which was locked, I rand the bell hoping Nagito would answer,
"Who's there?" Nagito's voice came through from the other side it sounded ominous,
"It's me Nagito, umm is everything okay?"
No reply,
"Nagito.. " I started to chock back tears
"P.. please talk to me, don't leave me in the dark".

I got no answer, after a few minutes I eventually turned around to leave when the door opened, Nagito grabbed my arm and pulled me in to the cottage, I triped over my own feet being pulled back so fast but Nagito caught me and spun me around to face him, he then pinned me against the door, I tried to hold back the tears but the shock of him grabbing me let them loose.
"You cry a lot" he spoke to me, his face inches from mine, blood rushed to my face, along with heat.
"I'm sorry I was I umm I thought you wouldn't talk to me anymore and I didn't know what I've done wrong" I sobbed, looking down feeling embarrassed.

He placed his hand under my chin and gently raised my head, he smiled at me and placed his forehead on mine, then he wiped away the tears with his free hand, I was still pinned against the door but his body got closer to the point where there was no room to breath.
"__ You already know how I feel about you, you know that I love you __ "
He lifted his head off my forehead and looked down to me, he caressed my cheek and slid his free hand behind my head and he leaned closer,
"You know I can't ignore you and I wouldn't leave you" our lips locked in a nervous kiss, it only lasted a few seconds then he pulled back and smiled at me,
"I've wanted to do that for so long now" I smiled back at him then I leaned my head forward looking up to kiss him again, I took him by surprise but he melted back in to the kiss.

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