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         “I'm gonna miss you Lea.” My brother Leonardo said as we were waiting at the airport. Even though Leo and I had the same mom we looked nothing alike. Leo was tall, around 6’ feet. He had short dark brown hair and golden brown eyes while I had long curly blonde hair and blue-green eyes. Leo’s father was African American and Hispanic so he had tan skin. I would guess that my father had to be white with light eyes, but since I had never met him I wouldn't know. Our mom was lighter than Leo but darker than me. She had green eyes and brownish-redish hair. She was beautiful in ways I wasn't, and never would be.

         “I'll miss you to, but i'll call every weekend. Plus you'll be going to college like you always wanted too.” I said wrapping my small fingers around his. I always looked up to my brother. He was my role model, my savior in a way but he deserved a life to. He shouldn't be stuck with a kid at his age.

             “Yeah and if I don't answer any of your calls, just know i'll be busy with school and work as well. Okay? He questioned with a frown in his face.


            “ Plus don't try anything that would lead you into trouble. Please, do it for your big brother, alright? Promise? He asked looking hopeful.

           “I promise Leo.” I said trying not to cry.


             The lady said through the speakers on the ceiling. Adam walked me towards the doors and gave the lady my ticket.

            “Okay blondie, I love you and i'll miss you. My big brother said with tears in his eyes. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist crying in his neck as he repeatedly smoothed my hair back.

          “I'll miss you to Nardo.” I said as he gently put me down.

            “And don't forget about me.” I said blinking tears away.

          ”Never little sis.” He winked at me. I spun around and walked towards the plane. I looked back at him knowing it was going to be the last time I saw him in a long time.


          “Ugh” I grunted as my back hit the marble floor of the training room the 8th time within in hour.

          “Le Le, i’m sorry.” Adam said his voice echoing of the walls as he reached down and grabbed my hand to help me up. His eyebrows slowly came together and his mouth slightly frowned.

       “Are you okay….I know you didnt want to but I just felt like you needed more hand-to-hand combat to protect yourself now that were going to New York it's diffrent from Idris, deamons could attack at any time and we gotta be ready and..”

               “Hey, its cool ad. I mean practice makes perfect right?” i said trying to reassure him. I grabbed his hand to keep him from running it through his wavy brown hair that always seemed messy.

         Hand-to-hand combat was not really a strong ability for me. I like my bow and arrows more actually. Adam could get as close to a deamon as he wanted while I basically sucker punched them with arrows. Again why were a good match.

        I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a quick hug before letting go.

         Adam’s actually really protective. I mean all Parabatai are but was protective from the moment he met me. I feel the same way about him so it's cool i guess.

       “Hey let's go eat.” I suggested looking up at him because of our height differences.


       “Yes, Lee I am starving. I could totally eat a horse.” He said grinning. I raised my eyebrows at that statement.


       “Or you know I could just eat you. I mean you're just as big, maybe a little bigger. He said with a smirk before running away while giggling.

       “You little back scratcher.” I said after getting a pointed look from the training medic and running after him.


             That night after I finished packing Adam came over. Now usually shadowhunters without parents or living relatives end up in Institutes but they couldn't separate Adam and I, so I live in Idris with Adam and his father.


          “Hey Lee” Adam said as he slid under my covers and laid down.

        “ Hey Ad” I said from the bathroom after taking a shower.

        “Look I just wanted to say that if you really don't want to go to New York just tell me. I mean I know you don't really like meeting new people and i'm fine with that. Just say the words and i'll cancel the whole thing. Okay?” Adam said sitting up and looking at me.

          “Adam it's fine, really.” I said as I finished getting dressed and I walked towards him and got under the covers,sitting down next to him. He started playing with my wet hair. My hair is super curly when it's wet so I usually blow dry it so it just gets sorta wavy.

           “ I actually want to go. I mean I can't be stuck in Idris for the rest of my life right?”

          “ Yeah right.”  He said agreeing with me.

         “ Okay now shut up and go to bed.” I said pushing him back and laying down.

          “Goodnight Le Le”

           “Goodnight, Adam” I replied knowing I was going to hate getting up in the morning, but that it might actually be worth it.


         Okay so I finished chapter Two. Do you like it? Do you not like it? Should I change something in the next chapter? In the beginning was Lea at 10 when she found out she was a shadowhunter and had to go live on Idris. Her brother of course doesn't know because he was born with a blind eye. I'm just really trying to introduce the characters and thier individual personalitys. Comment any mistakes and bye!!!!😀



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