New York Institute

37 14 6

       It was just me and my mom. Leo’s school had this night once a month when you could sleep at school. Like a giant sleepover. This was the first time my mom let him go. It was only for people in high school Leo explained to me when I asked if I could go. Me and my mom had our own sleepover. It was really fun, we slept under the dining room table. But in the middle of the night mommy woke me up.

          “Come on baby put your shoes on we have to go.” My mom said going into my room and getting my coat.

          “Go where mommy? I’m tired. What about Leo?” I asked whining.

          “Leo’s safe right now. Were not, that's why we gotta go.” She explained as she put my arms through my coat.

         “No mommy. I want Leo to come.”

         “We’ll see Leo later baby. I promise Lea.” She pulled me out the door and to the car and buckled me up in the back before running to the front door and grabbing some bags throwing them in car and getting in. She started the car and pulled out the driveway zooming off. Then we got out and walked to this hotel.

              My mom checked into the hotel and we got this room with one bed. Mommy laid me down and I fell asleep. When I woke my mom was pacing around the room still. When she noticed I was up she smiled.

            “Can we go get Leo now?” I asked hopefully.She looked at her watch and nodded.

           “Yeah baby in 10 minutes we'll go.”

            I laided down and waited. It was still morning like 6 but it was winter so it was still dark outside. We left like mommy said. We got in the car and waited outside Leo’s school. My mom texted him that we were outside. We saw other kids getting picked up too. Then I saw my brother he was talking to this boy in his football team.

         “Leo!” I screamed. He grinned and jogged over.

          “Hey baby sis.” He said as he opened my door and hugged me.Then he closed my door and got in the front seat.

           “What's wrong mom?” He asked mommy.


           “Mom where are we going?” Leo asked curiously

            “Just to visit someone.” She answered

            Mommy stopped the car and we got out. Leo came around to pick me up. We walked for a long time before we stopped at this building. My mom knocked then we went inside. My mom made us wait in the living room of the house before she went looking for someone. We waited for about 10 minutes before we heard screaming.

            “Leo!! Run!” my mom screamed. Leo of course didn't until he saw my mom running and then getting tackled by this man and he started stabbing her.

            “Mommy!” I yelled and Leo put me down to push the man off her.

            “No Leo leave.” she screamed and Leo hesitated. She threw the keys at him.

             “Go before he gets her. Go now if you want to protect her. Leo now!” That was my mom's last words as the ripped her stomach apart and started ripping her dead body to shreds. I was screaming like a banshee. Leo grabbed me and ran to the car and drove like the wind. But I looked out the back window crying the whole time knowing that I didn't have a mother anymore.

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