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As the Rejects return to the plane, Mike decides to check somethings. He opens up his laptop and starts looking up Neon Lights.
Olivia: Whatcha doing?
Mike: Looking up this Neon Lights person.
Olivia: So what've you found?
Mike: That she hasn't been here that long. She was more famous in... ST.PAUL?
Olivia: I've never heard of her.
Mike: That's because the feds have been hiding her. It seems she even has a team called...
Olivia: What?
Mike: They're called the Mad Hatter Society.
Olivia: Isn't thag where we found those dopplegangers?
Mike: Yeah, looks like they decided to move to Italy and cause more havoc.
Olivia: Can you search up the others?
Mike types on the laptop and five pictures pop up.
Mike: We got Alice In Wonderland. She change the sizs of her body. We got Inky, she has the powers to "splatter paint"?
Olivia: Well that's kinda useless.
Mike: We also have Dorothy Ann, who can teleport by clicking her ruby slippers.
Olivia: I'm starting to get a real sense of storybook names.
Mike: Then you'll love the next one. Little Red Riding Hood. Here it says she can control a wolf.
Olivia: Not that special.
Mike: And now we have- Oh my god.
Olivia: What?
Mike: That's the girl I bumped into. After that it's when I got the letter.
Olivia: Hey, I've seen her, in my nightmares.
Mike: Whoever these Mad Hatter's are, they wanted us here, in Italy.
Olivia: Why?
Mike: I'm betting they've known about us the whole time, and now have decided to take us out after we've beaten Bishop.
Olivia: I don't like this.
Mike: Me neither Olivia.

(somewhere in Venice)

A man is looking at the Rejects when they were battling Bishop.
???: So, these are who you are after, hmmmm.
He flips a watch and checked the time. He smiled evilly.
Mad Hatter: It's time for the Society to meet the real Mad Hatter.

The Rejects Volume 4: Mad Hatters, Secrets, And a Roadtrip! (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now