The Menace Prologue

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Mike: There he is!
The Rejects are trying to go after a man called Ratrunner. They've been running across rooftops for hours, trying to catch Ratrunner.
Olivia: I'm supposed to be the fastest person there is and this Ratrunner is beating me at every turn.
Frank: We will find him and he'll tell us what we need to know.
Taylor: I've spotted him running across the bread shop.
Mike: Got it Titan. Let's move Rejects!

(Where Ratrunner is)

Ratrunner: Holy shit, I escaped from the Rejects. Now I need to find a place to lay low.
Taylor: Or you can just stop running and answer our questions.
Ratrunner turned around to see Taylor in her armor floating above him.
Ratrunner: Oh come on!
Ratrunner jumps down onto an alley way and lands in front of Frank and Olivia.
Ratrunner: Shit.
Frank: Come on, just please stop and-
Ratrunner then did some parkour moves abd jumped over Frank and started running and was about to get away when Olivia ran up and punched him in the face.
Rat: Goddamn it!
Olivia: Should've stopped man.
Rat was then grabbed and thrown against the wall by Mike.
Rat: How and why would I know?
Mike: Because we know you've been doing some missions for them.
Rat: Sure I do. I'm a courier for the villians of this country. So I may have done business with them once or twice.
Rat: Ok ok I'll talk.
Then Rat drops a smoke bomb and leaves the Rejects gagging. After the smoke clears Rat has disappeared.
Mike: Fuck. There goes our only lead.

(somewhere in Venice)

Rat: I got away. I didn't tell them a thing.
Neon Lights: I know you didn't tell them a thing Rat. You did good.
Neon Lights starts walking towards Rat.
Rat: Th-th-thanks boss.
Neon Lights: Now I have one more special task for you.
Rat: And what is-
Rat felt something go through his chest. He looked down and saw that Neon Lights arm just went through his body.
Rat: Wh-what?
Neon Lights: Well we don't really need you. You are irrelevant.
Rat fell to the floor, dead.
Paper girl: Are you sure that was wise Olivia?
Neon Lights: It was the only way to truly get to who we need. Is tge doppleganger ready?
Paper Girl: Yes.
Neon Lights: Good. Then he'll surely come to us now.

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