Crusaders pt 3

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The next memeber was a guy named Tony Matter, the son of the man who gave me my powers. So me and the other 3 entered his lab.
Daniel: MR.MATTER?
Tony: That is Dr.Matter or as I like to call myself, Brain Matter. So, you here to enlist me onto your little groupbof super friends?
John: We are gonna save the world.
Trace: Though some of us don't really have a choice.
Tony: Oh we all have a choice Shinobi.
Trace: How did you?
Casey: He knows who all of us are, isn't that right big brain?
Tony: Yes. And I know where to find the other 3 comrades you have been searching for.
Daniel: So... Who are you sending me after?
The man he sent me after was a man named Troy "Driver" Lane. He was the fastest man alive on and off the racetrack. I found him in his car about to head off into a race.
Daniel: Exscuse me, but are you Troy?
Driver: Most people call me Driver. What do you want?
Daniel: For the Accelerator to help his country.
Driver: Heh. Sure Ameristar, I'll join your battalion.
Driver then headed off onto the racetrack.
Next on the list was a woman named Marie. We had no idea where she came from, except that she is an alien. I found her as a waitress in a diner.
Marie: So what can I order you?
Daniel: One flight, one shapeshifting, and one dose of flight.
John: And I would like a cheeseburger with a side of fries please.
Marie: Who are you people?
Daniel: My name is Ameristar, and that true gentleman is called Cannonball.
John: Ma'am.
Daniel: And we would like the Alien to join our team.
Marie: ... Fine. As long as these people don't get hurt.
Daniel: Didn't plan on it.
John: And I'm actually orderung food.
At that moment John and Marie had an interesting relationship. But the next and final person in my team was the man just sinply known as Kazah. I didn't find Kazah, he found me on top of a building.
Daniel: What took you so long?
Kazah: With the powers of the wind, superstrength, and speed you really thought that I could trust someone who went to people who've kept their powers hidden from the world just to join up with a stranger?
Daniel: I am Ameristar, and I am here to propose an offer to you.
Kazah: And that offer is?
Daniel: Join us and help us save America from the Soviets. The Soviets are creating people with special abilities and we need to stop them. Are you willing to help?
Kazah stood looking up at the sky as it was raining, like he was talking to a being of magic. He then looked back at me.
Kazah: Fine. I'll join your team for now.
And then as the 8 of us went onto the battlefield, we became the Crusaders, protecting America and later, the world from the Soviets Gifted. We lasted for 10 years until we faced off against our most dangerous enemy, Doommach, a skeletal android wearing a battle suit armor. That day we fought until he killed Marie, and then I sent him to tge one place he belonged in, hell. That day we decided to disband and stop being heroes. Somehow I came to Italy and stayed in this hospital and now I might this generations own heroes. One day, I believe that I will train the next generation of the Crusaders. But for now, I shall stay here until I know that the world needs that team.


Mike: Wow... I still can't believe that there's a team of superheroes before the Rejects.
Daniel: Well kid, it was nice to know that this generation still wants to hear the pasts wisdom.
Mike: Goodbye... Ameristar.
Daniel: Goodbye Immortal, shall the world be protected by you.

(in a lab somewhere in Italy)

Alice: Are we ready for testing doctor?
Doctor: Yes Alice in Wonderland, The machine is ready to kill the Rejects.
Alice: Then realise Doommach and let it reck havok on the Rejects.

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