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Jess: So what do you guys think? Dress A or Dress B?
Jess is holding in one hand a black dress and in the other a white dress. With her is Olivia, Taylor, and Mike.
Olivia: Black.
Taylor: Aren't wedding dresses supposed to be white?
Jess: Yeah but I want our wedding to be special.
Mike: And why am I here?
Jess: Cause I didn't want Jayden to see the wedding dress.
Mike: And you had to bring me?
Jess: Aiden was busy and Frank had a date.
Mike: With who?
Olivia: Welp I have to go bye.
Olivia then ran out of the shop, and then it hit him.
Mike: Oh... My... God. They're actually going on a date. I did not ever see Olivia going out with anyone, she was too ugly and rude as hell.
Jess: Well people change.
Mike: But... It's Olivia.
Taylor: Well we better go find some shoes for Jess, come on Mike.
Mike: Wait wha-
Taylor grabbed Mike and started dragging him away from Jess. Jess is seeing which dress would be the best when a voice appeared.
???: I would go with the white one.
Jess turns around to see Jayden.
Jess: Jayden! Oh god you scared me. What are you doing here, I said I wanted you not to see the dress.
Jayden: I know but I needed to show you something.
Jess: What is it?
Jayden: Come with me and I will show you.

(few minutes later)

Taylor: Jess we found some good- hey whered she go?
Mike and Taylor returned to find that Jess has disappeared. Mike went to the cash registered person.
Mike: Hey did you see what happend to our friend?
C.R. Person: The asian chick? She left with a tall white dude with glasses. He seemed like her fiance.
Mike: Thanks.
Taylor: So she's with Jay, that's good right?
Mike: Just hold on.
Mike pulls out his phone and calls Jayden.
Jayden: What's up Mike?
Mike: Hey is Jess with you?
Jayden: No, I thought she was with you?
Mike: Alright head back to the jet and we'll figure out what's happend.
Jayden: Got it. Me and Aiden are on out way back.
Mike then ends the call and put his away.
Mike: Jess is missing. We gotta find out where she is and who took her.

The Rejects Volume 4: Mad Hatters, Secrets, And a Roadtrip! (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now