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Olivia: So that dude was an old Cold War superhero?
Mike: Yep.
Mike,Aiden,Jayden,Jess, and Olivia are walking in the streets of the small town they are staying in.
Jayden: So we aren't the first group of heroes?
Jess: So there was a team of rejects before the rejects.
Mike: I think they were more like a different type of heroes. They seem like a true family, unlike our ragtag group.
Olivia: Well they sounded like a decent team.
Mike: They sounded like a better team then us.
Jess: How?
Mike: Well for starters, their families still knew they were alive while ours don't.
Olivia: I don't really care about my family that much. Besides I have you guys.
Jess: My family is better off without me...
Jayden: No they wouldn't. I would gladly want to go back to my family.
Mike: Though I do sometimes get ticked off from my parents I still love them, even if they can't accept who I am.
Olivia: Well screw them. If they can't accept that then they should go-
Mike: Enough! Lets just relax and not worry about any supervillians.
Olivia: ... Ok that was so weird.
Mike: Whatever just suit up.
They suit up and head towards the commotion. As the Rejects turn the corner, a streetlight went flying at them. They duck and ran to cover.
Olivia: What the hell was that?
Jayden: And why did it throw a streetlight?
Jess: What even is it?
Aiden looked to see but quickly went down as a blast almost hit his head.
Mike: I'll go see.
Mike checked to see a armored robot with a skeleton head.
Mike: ... I have no idea what we are facing? But we are gonna-
???: Come on out Americans. I know you are there.
The rejects step out of there cover.
Doommach: I am Doommach.
Mike: Oh no... Guys we have to run.
Olivia: Tsk yeah screw that.
Olivia runs around Doomach, trying to steal his air.
Doommach grabbed Olivia and slammed her into the ground and then stepped on her back.
Doommach: So... When do we begin Americans?

The Rejects Volume 4: Mad Hatters, Secrets, And a Roadtrip! (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now