"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..." Part VIII

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part VIII...

("Barry, I did love you, I mean...If I'd marry any guy..." Lesley sighed.

"That what you said to Hofstadter?" Barry eyed her.

"I was scared then...I wanted to validate my heterosexuality and try to fix the label permanently and Leonard's such a nice, wonderful, loving guy." Lesley shrugged. "It wasn't right, especially when anyone could see how much Penny loved him, scared as she was to love anyone, poor kid, but I panicked and he seemed safe...I knew he'd never hurt me or abandon me...Until it turned out he'd been infected by the dumbass and was lost to the insanity that is string theory."

"So you knew then, for surwe...And still...Us?" Kripke glared.

"I was still kinda...And you were so rwight...Right, for me, Barry. We were almost perfect together, in our pov of the world." She shook head. "I really thought I could make it work, make you happy. But, it wasn't fair to you...So..."

"We were perwfect. Then you let me think it was me and my philanderwing...Even when I sworwe I'd nevwer...What a laugh that mustwve been." Grim look.

"I'm sorry...Barry, I am..."

"Skwip it...Just tell me if it was a jwoke. 'I love you, Barry'. Fwunny, ha-ha."

"It wasn't a joke...I never said it to anyone else, not even Leonard." she bowed head. "And if things were different..."

"It wouldn't have matterwed...Mwuch...To me. I can manage the swex parwt. I have a full collection of devwices, you know." Shake of head. "Just so long as you lwoved me in spirwit."

"I do love you." She insisted. "But I can't cheat you or me..."

"I don't carwe...Therwe's no one but you...Say the word, I'll have em cut it off. Lwesley, I lwove you." Urgent hiss.

"I love you too...Barry, I can't do this to you." Weeping now.

"It doesn't matter to me...Hell, I'm not Rwoss on 'Frwiends'...I'll worwk it out. Lwesley, if you lwove me at all, don't abandwon me. Hey, hottie." Immediate change to upbeatly sexist tone as Penny approached.

"You guys ok?" she eyed them.

"Sure." Lesley, rather curt. "Surwe, now I have the wovely fields of Nebrwaska in my field of wision." Barry, expansively. "Couldn't kweep away, eh? 'Dwotor' Hofstadter?" lewd grin.

"We have the next scene and that is Hofstadter, Barry." Penny, grimly. "And the only reason I don't deck you again is I know damned well you're just puttin' it on for Lesley."

"Don't be rwidic...ridiculous, blondie. Barry's no love-sick pup, broken by my callous abandonment, unlike some people I could mention who rebounded beneath them." Lesley, sneering tone.

"Just remember I'm a reformed bully and I predatered...Or whatever...Mainly on girls in my day, Winkley." Penny coldly.

"Oooh...Love to see that..." Barry grinned.

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