Chapter 4: Date Night or Fight Night?

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As soon as we get to the station we notice blood everywhere and that everyone is paralyzed. As we get closer in we see the Sheriff being helped up by deputy Clark, when I realize the blood isn't from either of them. As I make my way around the corner when I see Kira holding pressure on Lydia's wound.


I yell, but she doesn't move. I start to run to help her when Theo pushes me out the way and into Stiles's arms as he goes and helps Lydia. It doesn't take long before Natalie is up here and pushes us out the way. Lydia looks towards the both of us giving us a small smile as Scott tells us to follow him.

"I'm fine. Stiles, Kai, I'm fine."

"I cant , I won't leave you Lydia. You're my best friend I'm not letting another die."


Theo calls my name making me look over to him when he gives me a small smile and nods. He tells me that she will be fine that he's got her and that Stiles, Scott and I need to go help Tracy. I don't know why, but in that second with my best friend's life in Theo's hands I trusted him. Nodding my head I grab Stiles's hand as we both follow Scott into the basement.

As we run down to the basement I see Malia standing over Tracy's dead body. Oh no Malia please tell me you didn't do what I think you did. As soon as Malia hears us she turns around and tells us that she didn't do it. Scott looks at her as if not believing her before she comes to me grabbing both my hands.

"I didn't do it Kai, I almost, but I didn't. You have to believe me."

"I believe you Malia. I do."

I tell her with a smile making her nod before Sheriff asks what happened.

"There were these people. They had masks. Um, there...there were there were three of them."

"What are you talking about?"

"They were strong, Stiles. They had a weapon. Stiles I didn't do this."


"She's not changing back. We're going to need to get her out of here."

"What, hey...Absolutely not. This is a crime scene. We call the coroner."

Both the Sheriff and Deaton go back and forth about what to do with Tracy. It's driving Sheriff crazy I know it is and it takes him a while, but he finally agrees before both Scott and Deaton carry out Tracy's body to the clinic.

Turning back I look at Sheriff nodding before going to Stiles.

"We need to get Lydia to a hospital."

He nods his head before we both head up there to see Theo and Natalie already helping Lydia into a stretcher and then an ambulance. We all quickly hop in Stiles jeep while following after the ambulance before we are following the stretcher to the surgery room. Lydia continues to moan in pain as her mother continues to remind her that she will be okay.

They stop us at a waiting room as we wait for Melissa or someone to tell us how she is. It's a while before I hear Scott and Liam's voices and when Melissa comes up telling us that it could have been worse. She then goes on to thank Theo for what he did, saying he practically saved her life. She then continues to explain how Lydia is going to go into surgery and that it will probably be a while, so she asks if there are any other supernatural things she should know about. We just tell her that she was cut with the tail if that makes any difference.

Malia then goes off again about the guys in the mask making us all look at each other and remembering that we are once again dealing with a new threat in Beacon Hills. I blame Scott this time because he mentioned about the whole Regression to the Mean thing and now look things are bad again.

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