Chapter 11: I don't deserve you.

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It's been hours and everyone has long gone from the hospital and now it is only us in the waiting room. A little while ago Stiles was finally able to fall asleep on my shoulder for once looking peaceful for the first time since he's gotten here I presume.

As I sat here making sure he was okay I would think back to the old times when we would stay for hours in this hospital. The times when his mom was here and he just wanted someone to stay with him as he waited for her to finish her exams. Then we would head to her room and play some card games, gossip, and just forget that we were in a hospital where she could very well die in.

We were happy, we were careless, and we would fall asleep in this exact same position as we waited not worrying about the future, but just excited to know that when she was finished we could go back to our games and fun times.

Everything was simple, although it was scary nothing was more scary than the sight of Melissa walking toward us with a small smile. She glances at Stiles before looking over to me asking how long he's been asleep. I tell her how it couldn't have been more than an hour to which she nods asking me if it is a great idea to wake him or not. I tell her that if she has information on his dad she should wake him. Nodding she tries a couple times before he finally shoots awake.

He immediately glances to me before landing his sight on Melissa who calmly tells him that his father is okay and that the doctor is stitching him up right now. Immediately Stiles tries to get up saying he wants to see him, but Melissa stops him.

"The anesthesia needs to wear off. It's gonna be at least two hours."

"We can wait, if you want to Stiles. I'll wait with you."

I encourage to which he nods before turning his attention back to Melissa.

"Okay, yeah, but everything's gonna be okay though, I mean, he's okay?"

"Mmm. He's gonna be just fine."

Melissa tells him making him sit back and let out a shaky breath of relief before mutter a 'thank god' and bringing his hand to slightly run through his hair. Giving Melissa a smile I thank her and she tells me how she will come get us when she can bring us up to him. Nodding we both thank her again and watch as she leaves.

Turning I look towards Stiles who I see has let some of his tears fall. I'm assuming they are tears of happiness and I'm hoping that I'm not wrong. He gives me a small smile before pulling me into another hug thanking me again. Pulling away I raise an eyebrow asking him what I did, when it was the doctors who saved his life.

"Kai, you helped save his life. You practically ran all the way here carrying him without a second thought. You got him here faster than if I called an ambulance. You got him here, so the doctors could save him and for that I thank you."

"Anytime, Stilinski."

Giving him a smile we continued to sit there until Melissa finally came to get us. She motions for us to follow her to which we nod and stand up to follow. Stiles grabs my hand as we walk down the long path to his father. The hospital always seemed like a dark place even though it saved so many lives, but a place that saves so many loses so many as well. I can't help but feel pain and suffering whenever I come to one. It's like they save one life just to kill another.

"Help! Get someone to help me. Quick."

I hear someone yell making me stop in place which makes Stiles and Melissa stop asking me if I am okay. Shaking my head I look back behind us before glancing back at them.

"It's just I thought I heard Parrish yelling, but maybe I'm just hearing things."

"Yeah, but of all things why would you hear Parrish?"

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