Cinema Date Feels (RosexReader)

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Rose was next to you, playing with her hair nervously.

"What do you want to watch Rosie?" You ask her looking at the movies available in front of you.

She pouted, looking at the movie chart, "the only one available at this time is a scary movie, it looks kinda cool" she blurt out with her Australian accent making you smile, you love that about her.

You raised an eyebrow at her direction, knowing damn well she can't handle scary movies.

"You sure?" You ask her concerned.

She smile at you fixing her hair, making your heart stop "yeah, I'm sure"

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She smile at you fixing her hair, making your heart stop "yeah, I'm sure"

You agree, but your worry didn't go away.

Rose paid for the movie and you paid for the drinks and popcorn, like you both agreed on your way to the movies after arguing for 20 minutes about it.

Once you both were sitting inside the movie room, you take a look at Rose who seemed very tense with both of her hands squeezing together on her lap.

You sigh not knowing why she choose this film, but didn't want to question her. She always had a reason for doing things.

Once all the lights dim and trailers end, you lean into her "The movie is about to start, you okay?" you tell her making her just nods in response not moving at all with her eyes glued to the screen that was playing the beginning of the movie.

You kiss her cheek softly to give her assurance on your words "if you want to leave just tell me and we go somewhere else"

She turns to look at you timidly and you catch a glimpse of her pink cheeks "don't worry, I want to watch this" she assured you once again, pushing the confidence on her voice

"Okayyy" you lean back on your seat defeated to pay attention at the big screen

Half way through the movie you were really enjoying it. You secretly love scary movies just never brought it up to Rose, you didn't want to make her feel like a bad girlfriend because she couldn't watch them with you.

"EK!" You hear low whimper next to you, it was Rose who had her hands covering her ears with her eyes harshly closed.

You poke her hand softly getting her attention "Rose, come on lets go" she looks at you with sad eyes, following behind you.

Once you both were out of the movie room, you hear a soft sniff.

You quickly turn around and notice Rose was tearing up, "Rosie, oh god... What happened? You okay? Was the movie to scary?" You get close to her, grabbing both of her shoulders concerned on why your girlfriend was crying like this.

"Is just, I wanted to watch the movie with you" her voice was a little low and weak, sounding disappointed.

You look at her confused "what are you talking about Rosie?"

She looks at you ashamed "I heard you the other day when you were with one of your friends how bad you wanted to watch this horror movie with me but you couldn't and I just wanted to make you happy today but I didn't I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" her eyes tear up even more making her eyes red and puffy breaking your heart.

You grab her hand, softly brushing it with your thumb "Listen to me carefully, It really doesn't matter to me what we watch

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You grab her hand, softly brushing it with your thumb "Listen to me carefully, It really doesn't matter to me what we watch. Being with you watching comedy dramas makes me happy as much as watching a horror movie would. I enjoy spending time with you, regardless of what we are doing"

She looks at you with a small smile on her glossy lips, "Really?" You lean to give her a soft kiss on her forehead, "of course chipmunk, I love you" she brush the sad tears away before hugging you with all her strength "You really are the best, how did I get so lucky?"

You don't say anything back, you close your eyes to enjoy Rose arms around you, her warmth thrilling the feelings you had for her to explode in your veins. Making you think that the one who is more lucky is not her but you.

Rose and you leave the cinema while holding hands, "I wish I took a picture of you just when you got scared it was really cute" you told Rose making her hit your arm playfully "Yah! not funny"

You laugh at her, and make a note to yourself to take pictures next time it happens.

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