Jealous (Chaennie) 18+

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A/N: I always wanted to write this, sorry !

Jennie was kneeling down petting Kuma that was waving his tail while she spoke to him.
Rose was watching them interact from the Picnic table she was sitting on with her back leaning against it appreciating her girlfriends features, the way a smile shape on Jennie's lips made her smile in content herself.

Rose sigh satisfied, both girls never in a million years thought after their debut they would confess their feelings for each other.

Probably one of the best moments of their life's, they been together for a long time now, and still can make each other fall in love everyday

Jennie catches Rose staring at her, she takes a moment to observe Rose thinking how amazing the view of her girlfriend is, her brownish hair that reach below her shoulders and that smile that matches with her tender eyes.

It would make Jennie feel emotionally safe in her hands, Jennie swore herself that she will protect her; Looking at her reminded her that.

Jennie started to walk to where her girlfriend was with Kuma walking beside her, Jennie's body tingle with excitement to be in Rose arms.

But someone stop her blocking the sight of her girlfriend.

The tall attractive man was flashing her a charming smile as he spoke down at her "Um Hey, I'm Lim Jae-beom" he politely introduced himself to Jennie who was taken a back by his sudden approach.

"I'm Jennie" she gave him a quick answer, beginning to feel uncomfortable.

Rose could hear their conversation while a hot rush of jealousy flow through her body "He better not ask her out" she spoke to herself, she didn't like jealousy if there isn't a solid reason for it. She was tolerating the guy, maybe he is a fan she thought

"Jennie, cute name" that made Rose silently snort, that was a poor compliment attempt.

That means he was definitely trying to flirt with her girlfriend, Rose tap her feet on the ground eagerly stabbing daggers with her eyes at the young man's back

Jennie had her try-best smile on her, she didn't want to be rude to the young man but was getting a bit agitated for Rose.

She didn't want to hurt her, she knew how sensitive she was. She wanted to say 'Hey I have a girlfriend I am not interested' but she can't do that for three years and specially since her partner was a girl.

Jennie keep her fake act "My friend is waiting for me, I have to go sorry" Jennie told the young man, he turn around to see who Jennie was referring to he lock eyes with Rose who wanted to set him in fire in that instant.

What the hell is he doing? Jennie ask herself impatiently

He gaze at Jennie with a sly smile "Well I got a friend we coul-"

Jennie clench her jaw at the thought of that "No, is fine we actually have to go" she side step the young man to leave pulling Kuma's leash softly for him to follow her "Come on Kuma"

Once again the young man obstruct her, asking almost begging for her number.

"That's it" Rose stand up furiously walking in between him and her girlfriend.

Rose barley reach the man shoulders but didn't care she was angry enough to gather courage and step in "didn't you heard her?" Rose eyes and voice were full on range.

Jennie smile a little relaxing now that her girlfriend was here but at the same time feeling amaze by her protection since she is mostly shy.

"She doesn't want to talk to you! when a girl says she have to go, you back the fuck away, I recommend you to leave by yourself or I'll make you" Rose didn't care how tall and well built the guy was she will not step away, it was to late now anyway.

The young man step back, his smile had a hint of embarrassment.

He didn't want to be rude to them, those weren't his intentions "I'm sorry, you are right I apologize I just wanted her number. She is beautiful and I want to get to kn-"

Rose grab the collar of his grey shirt harshly bringing him to her same height length of her face shocking him "If you don't back the fuck away from my girlfriend I will personally ruin your life" she whisper pushing him back roughly letting go of him, the young man swallow the lump on his throat hearing the cruel sound of her voice

He stand straight glancing at the girl he knew as Jennie, going back to the girl in front of him

"I'm sorry I didn't know she was your girlfriend" he apologized again to Rose annoying her "Now you do, get lost"

The young man bow apologizing repeatedly, Rose watch him go rubbing the back of his neck defeated and embarrassed.

"Wow Rose" Jennie breath out not believing what just happened, she saw the whole thing making her excited "That was actually kind of" she thought for the word she wanted to use "Intense"

Rose glacé at her her with hard eyes "I want to go home"

Rose and Jennie were inside the van, Rose wasn't speaking to her like she usually is with her bubbly smile while holding her hand

She was sitting next to her looking cold out the car window Jennie felt guilty, is it my fault? She ask herself.

The whole ride back home was silent and unfriendly.

Rose got out of the van first, going straight to her dorm.

Jennie sigh sadly, doing the same.

Jennie walk inside the dorm, wondering what is wrong with her girlfriend she never acted this way towards her before, "Rose?" Jennie call for her walking inside Rose room

Rose wasn't there, Jennie felt disappointed she wanted to fix things.

Jennie wasn't paying attention behind her when she felt two slender hands push her back against the door, Jennie whimper when she felt the door hit behind her.

Jennie found her girlfriends eyes looking down at her with a mixture of sadness and anger "You are mine aren't you?" Rose voice came out hoarse stepping closer in front of Jennie making Jennie's body jerk under her.

Rose held her girlfriend steady while Jennie look up at her  "Rosie, are you that jealous?" Jennie smile teasingly finding that information amusing

Rose avoid Jennie's thrilled eyes a bit embarrassed remembering how she acted "You are mine, I am allowed to be"

Rose added more pressure between their bodies, not letting go of Jennie's arms.

"He was kind of cute though" Jennie maliciously smile up at Rose intentionally provoking her

Jennie felt the grip on her arms tightened, Rose felt the same jealousy run through her body.

She push Jennie against wall clenching her jaw no longer leaving space between their bodies "The fuck did you just say?"

Tehe! You got tricked, but I will write it if you guys want me to. Let me know if you want it *wink* or not ...

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