Jisoo flirting attempt pt 3

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The four girls were sitting on the floor at their new house balcony gazing at the sunset together talking about their career, dreams for the future and their lovely blinks.

Lisa and Ji Soo were sitting beside the girls leaving Rose and Jennie in the middle.

Jennie began to tell the memories of their first time meeting her band members, making all the girls smile but one more in particular, Ji Soo. Who couldn't stop staring at her, taking in her shining eyes and gummy smile.

"That was really a long time ago, it really feels like if we still trainees" Rose said looking at Jennie "Yeah, I'm so grateful we made it"

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"That was really a long time ago, it really feels like if we still trainees" Rose said looking at Jennie "Yeah, I'm so grateful we made it"

It was such a emotional moment for the girls, thinking of all the things they overcome on their journey

Lisa clear her throat interrupting the peace "umm so I need to pee, I'll be right back" said Lisa who took off running inside the house while the girls giggle at her silliness

Rose stand up, making Jennie and Jisoo to look up at her "I'll be right back guys, it's getting a bit cold"

"Okay" they both responded watching rose leave

Jennie stare at the landscape in front of her, secretly praying for Ji Soo not to ruin this moment with her sexual pickup lines. 

Ji Soo on the other hand, was just admiring her. All she needed at this moment was to see Jennie smile, she set that as her goal at the moment

Ji Soo called for Jennie softly with a small voice "Jendeukie" not taking her eyes off her

Jennie hummed in response with a straight face

Ji soo smile brightly "You dropped something" she pick up a invisible object in front of Jennie getting her attention

Jennie lean forward a bit curious to see what Ji Soo was talking about "What is it?" She innocently ask

"Your smile"

Ji Soo smile cutely at Jennie waiting for her usual 'what is wrong with you' stare but for her surprise Jennie look at her, with a smile on her face

Ji Soo smile cutely at Jennie waiting for her usual 'what is wrong with you' stare but for her surprise Jennie look at her, with a smile on her face

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"OH YOU SMILING" Ji Soo scream surprised pointing at Jennie's face, making Jennie smile while rolling her eyes

Jennie went back to her serious face "don't get me wrong, that was lame"

Ji Soo pout offended, 'how was that lame?, that was awesome' she thought to herself.

Jennie look away sounding like a embarrassed kid as she spoke "But it was sweet"

Ji soo smirk but turn into a mocking smile as she speak "You think so? do you finally want to be my girlfriend?"

Ji soo smirk but turn into a mocking smile as she speak "You think so? do you finally want to be my girlfriend?"

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Jennie push her away playfully "Don't even think about it"

Jisoo laugh out loud, watching the girl she loves enjoy herself.

Meanwhile Lisa and Rose high five each other as they watch their eonnie's "I fucking ship this" Lisa said to Rose

A/N: HELLO! I made a small chapter of Jensoo  because is Monday and I hate school and is 3 am and also I'm listening to Foolish by EXID (Hyerin Solo) I will regret staying up later but is all for you

_________________________________________A/N: HELLO! I made a small chapter of Jensoo  because is Monday and I hate school and is 3 am and also I'm listening to Foolish by EXID (Hyerin Solo) I will regret staying up later but is all for you

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