BBQ part 1

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Once again I'm sleeping when Amanda walks into my room "Morning sleepyhead!" she yells

"Five more minutessssss..."

"you have never let me have five more minutes, so. Get up."

"Fiiiiiiiine" I slowly get out of bed and make my way downstairs. We have cereal for breakfast and spend the morning putting together furniture. Amanda is much better at interpreting the tiny manuals. We're able to put together a few shelves and one desk, but I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be a bookcase. "so, you excited for the cookout today?"

"I'm all over those terrible store-bought sugar cookies that everyone brings to parties"

Amanda nods "yeah, those are bad"

"which means there are more for me"

"Don't you want to meet some of the people in the neighborhood?" she asks

"I'll probably end up standing uncomfortably in the corner with a plate of food and hope that nobody talks to me"

Amanda sighs "mom, you're a beautiful work on progress. We will get that butterfly to emerge from the cocoon" she nods "the social butterfly"

"well," I say getting up off the couch "we better start getting ready. We definitely don't want to be late"

"what? No. We have to be fashionably late.Who shows up to a cookout on time?"

"you know what? We're going early. just because you said that"

I head out the door and Amanda reluctantly follows

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I head out the door and Amanda reluctantly follows. We walk across the street to Joseph's house with a store-bought veggie plate- I'm a good cook but I don't think it's wise to show off.

I guess we're not as early as we thought we were, I think as we walk into Joesph's backyard- it's already packed with people and the smell of hot dogs wafts through the air. smells good, I notice small children run through a sprinkler and adults chat in small clusters, oh god....I don't think I can do this.... I set out veggie plate down on the table next to the other ones. Huh. "hey! There's Joesph" I point out to Amanda, I wave to get his attention. The moment he sees up, he jogs over, arms open wide. I hope he doesn't expect me to hug him, that is not happing... "Welcome! I'm so glad you two are here?" are you? are you really? "and you brought veggies"

"Oh yeah, sorry" I rub the back of my neck, "thought it would be easier than trying to make something and have it make us look like we were showing off"

he shakes his head "no, no it's fine" thank god "let me introduce you to my family. Kids, come on over here! This is Chris, my eldest:"

"hi" he simply says, his arms crossed over his chest and will a look of pure boredom on his face "this is Christian and Christie, they're twins" they stare creepily and say nothing...god I'm getting flashbacks to the Shining... "then, of course, there's our youngest, Crish..." he trails off and looks around "wait, where is Crish? Maybe Mary put him in his crib" Then the lady from the other night at the bar walks over, "Oh! And how could I forget my lovely wife, Mary" wife? wow.. I feel bad for her...Joesph pecks her on the cheek. She smiles, okay ew..I hate public affection.. makes me sick. "Ah, Mary, sweetheart, did you put crish to bed?" he asks her

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