Bar hoping

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I sit at my computer thinking of who to message

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I sit at my computer thinking of who to message....Robert was pretty nice. A little odd..but nice. And ruggedly handsome. If we ignore the fact the I almost slept with him, I think I can hang out with him. I type out a message to him on ParentBook

'Hey Robert, good seeing you again at the cookout. Wanna grab a drink?'

I sit there for a couple seconds, hoping he'll message me back, it says that he read my message. I just sigh and shake my head when I see that he isn't responding, why did I think he would? Oh well, nothing I can do about it, I decided to just do my own things for the day. After a few hours of TV, I decided to get something to eat, I walk over to the refrigerator and open the door

"hmmm microwave some eggs sound good" I'm too lazy to cook right now. I finish my snack and walk around the house some more, bored. When's Amanda coming home? I remember the basketball hoop we have and spend a couple minutes poking around the new place until I find it. After installing it above one of the doors in the living room, I'm ready to dunk. I take a leap from the free throw line and rocket that sucker down the net. The crowd goes wild, I pull up from the three point line, breaking ankles and sinking a fadeaway. I'm so into the zone that I don't notice Amanda walk in "mom?" I turn around to see her standing in the doorway. Her eyes are a little puffy. Almost as if she'd been crying

"Hey Manda Panda, you alright?"

"What are you doing?"

I shrug "I uh..found the hop."

she smiles "pass me the rock"

I pass the ball to her and she zig zags past me and tips a layup into the hoop

"art of was, bitches" she yells

"Amanda, language"

"Sun Tzu didn't care about language"

"I would argue that Sun Szu cared very much about language, so... once you write something as timeless as the Art of War, then you're allowed to swear"

Amanda sticks out her tongue and dunks for another 2 points "seriously though, are you okay? You look like you've been crying"

"Oh. Dude, I'm cool. I just saw like, this really cute dog on the way home and it let me pet its belly. I couldn't contain my emotions"

I sigh "If there's, you know...anything going on... I just want you to know that I'm here for you. And I'll always be here for you" I pull her into a side hug "whether you need a shoulder to cry on or a badass mom to go kick someone's butt, I'm only a phone call away"

she smiles "thanks, Momsicle. I appreciate that" she hugs me back "but I'm fine. Really" no your not, she forgets I was once a teenage girl. But I'll stop badgering her about it. I'm sure she'll tell me when she's ready. "okay. Just making sure"

"Maybe you should be less concerned with my face and more concerned with full court press" she yells.

We play ball for a little longer, then we cook some dinner together. We decided on Mac and cheese with Bacon bits, afterward, we dig into a carton of ice cream over an episode of Chopped: Toddler Tournament. "are we bad people for watching this?"

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