real quick I know it's a dad dating game but my person is a female, don't like it don't read it easy.
now about my character- Celeste is a single mom, she and her daughter Amanda move to the other side of Maple Bay. She wasn't expecting to make frie...
Well, it's been a long day. I'm just about ready to pack it in. After a few bites of ice cream from the freezer, I turn off all the lights and walk down the hall to my room. I wonder if Amanda is still awake. That kid needs some sleep. As I pass her room, I can hear a faint sound, but can't quite make out what it is. I get a little closer. Is she...crying? My heart falls into my stomach, I knock gently on the door. "Hey, Manda?"
The crying immediately stops.
"Not right now" her voice sounds strained. She sniffles.
I need to make sure she's okay. I open the door. In the dark, I can see Amanda's outline in the middle of her bed, knees hugged up against her body.
"Is everything okay?" I ask quietly
she shakes her head "I don't wanna talk about it"
I know she wants to be left alone "Alright. I'll leave you be"
I back out of the room and closed the door gently behind me. She immediately starts crying again. Wow...I have no idea what has he so upset. She's seemed totally normal, I hate leaving her to cry.. but I also know that I try and make her talk she will just get more upset.
I can't stop mentally cycling through all sorts of awful things she could be dealing with right now. More than anything, I Just want her to be happy and safe. I have a hard time falling asleep, but when I do, I'm still thinking about Amanda.
After a long night of very little sleep, I stand in the kitchen looking out the window drinking my coffee.
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Amanda should be up for school soon, maybe she'll be willing to talk about whatever's bothering her. About ten minutes before she's supposed to leave, Amanda comes out of her room and make a beeline for the freezer.
"Morning, Manda," I say trying to smile and not look worried
"Morning," she says flatly
she drops a frozen waffle into the toaster and slams the freezer door. She won't look at me... what did I do? Who hurts my baby? What is going on?
I decided to take a chance "so...anything big going on at school today?"
"okay" I nod and tap my finger on my mug and look at the coffee inside. "do you need a ride to school?" I ask looking at her
okay..." want some coffee?"
Amanda pulls the toaster lever up and takes her still freezer-burned waffle out before it's finished cooking.
"I have to go" she picks up her bag and storms out
"oh..okay" I go to say but she's already left. I sigh and sit at the table and run my hands through my hair. "how would you handle this Alex?" I sigh again. I find myself remembering my conversation with Robert the other night