real quick I know it's a dad dating game but my person is a female, don't like it don't read it easy.
now about my character- Celeste is a single mom, she and her daughter Amanda move to the other side of Maple Bay. She wasn't expecting to make frie...
so I got this after my second date with Craig so......
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As I approach the bar I can hear patrons inside cheering. Oh, I bet the game is on. I wonder if my team is playing tonight... A drop of water hits my head. And now it's lots of drops of water. It's pouring rain. Mabey I should wait this out inside.
I order a beer from the bar and settle in. Turns out that my team isn't playing tonight, but I can certainly enjoy the game regardless. The bar is usually crowded, I almost punch some ass for making a pass at me. I look over into the corner and spot none other than Mary, sitting alone and in the corner, nursing a cocktail. Something about her seems different this time. Now that she's by herself and not hanging off some younger guy, or with me and Robert, she looks so...sad. She looks up and half-heartedly raises her glass to me before staring off into the middle distance. I decided to go say hello. I walk over to her booth. She doesn't look up.
"Hey, mind if I join you?" she still doesn't look up. I take a seat anyways and she finally notices me
"Hey Ripely"
"you alright?"
"never better" she hiccups. Guess she's a little far gone.
Tears start welling up in her eyes "Oh..."
"I...will you...walk me home?"
I slide out of the booth. Seems like Mary's having some trouble getting up. I reach out a hand to help but she waves me away.
"I got it, I got it" no Mary you do not
"Hang her for a second," I say putting my hands up, I walk over to Neil and pay Mary's tab
"Hey, Neil. I'm gonna make sure Mary gets home safe tonight"
he nods "she usually has one of the bar staff walk her home, but I trust you"
"thanks, I'll see you later" he nods and I head back over to Mary, she stumbles out of the seat and directly into my arms.
It's still raining a little bit. I take off my coat and hold it over both of our heads.
"thanks, Ripley"
I give her a small smile "let's get you home"
Mary and I walk in silence up the street toward the cul-de-sac. I have no idea what to say to her, I don't want to make her more upset or offend her. "Sorry, you have to see me like this. I'm usually not...I know Joseph doesn't like it when I...just. Sorry"
"It's alright"
"I'm sorry for being rude to you, at first"
"It's... alright"
"No, it's not. I know it's not. I'm just....I'm having a really.." she shakes her head "forget it"
As we get to the cul-de-sac, I can feel Mary starting to slow down. By the time we arrive at her doorstep she pulls away from me.
"wait...can we just...hold on."
"what's wrong?"
"how about another drink? Old time's sake?"
I sigh "C'mon Mary, it's bedtime"
"you're right"
she pulls me in close for a hug, holding onto me for a little longer than feels appropriate. She mumbles into my shoulder "You're a good...friend. Thanks for the company"
Mary gives me a pat on the back, straightens out her sweater, and walks the rest of the way to the front door herself.