Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Luke’s POV

“Well get your ass up boy. I think I have the perfect way for you to meet the guys.” The one married to Sergio said. I believe her name is Rose. We all turned to look at her in anticipation.

“Well they all played foot ball but only Jed was the one that went with it as the others also chose different sports. Seeing as how you look like the spitting image of Jed in that stupid Poster Reigna still has on her closet door. I say we get you geared up and you guys start a game. I’ll call the guys over but I want Luke to wear a helmet. I can’t wait to see him pop it off his head.” Rose said.

“Holy shit I have Jed’s practice uniform in the car. The one he wore in that picture. They are going to freak” Reigna said. They all started to laugh and I was worried. What if they get mad?

“Hell yeah, let’s go”  Victor said and they decided where we were going to go play and I was still worried.

“It will be fun Luke. The guys are going to love you like a brother” Grady said as he laughed at his own joke and they all looked at him and how happy he now was.

So we headed out to this park where they had me dress in the grey short shirt and white pants. The girls gasped and the guys laughed. I glared at them and then they gasped. “Holy shit, this is to fucking freaky. He even has Jed and Sergio’s glare.” Roger said.

So I put the shoulder pad on the side line as I proceeded to show they old guys exactly what I’m made of. We had been playing for 40 minutes when one of the girls called a time out and called us over. “There here, give him the helmet and the pads and well let’s see what happens” Grady said.

I saw as two hulking guys walked over. Damn they have more muscle then me. But then again they are older and didn’t live on a farm where you did a lot of morning work. Because there husky, not fat just bigger.

“Hey you guys started the game without us.” Sergio said as he got closer.

“Who’s that and why does he have on my old work out uniform?” He asked looking at Reigna.

Evelyn walked over to me and held my hand. “I went to Texas to recruit a guy. But what I found was way more than that. There is no easy way to say this so I’ll show you.” I took off the helmet and she took it and walked away from me and left me there sweating and holding the pads in my hand.

I saw their eyes widen as their mouths dropped open and their eyes bugged out.  I swallowed as I took a step close. “20 years ago our mother left you here in a Wal-Mart.  You were better off believe me. I didn’t have it good with her and then I too got adopted. But I had to come find my brothers.”

They still just looked at me “What the fuck,” was all Jed said.

“That’s what I said when I first saw them.” Grady said as he walked by them. “He is a great kid and there is a long story that goes with the explanation.”

“What the fuck! Are you saying you knew and didn’t say anything?” Sergio asked Grady all mad.

“Well we could come and say anything without making sure. So that’s why Alexis did the DNA test.” Oh man this is not going to end well.

“DNA test what the fuck” Was Jed’s response.

“Um, yeah remember that day when I came back from going to Texas and I told you I needed a blood sample.” Alexis told him and her face was all red.

“This is bullshit; you guys should have said something from the beginning.” Jed said as he walked over to Reigna.

“Listen why don’t we go home guys and you can explain everything to the boys and we can go from there.” Diego said and we all did what he said.

On the car ride there I was lost in my thoughts. Figuring it was kind of mean just to spring me on them like that. Once we got there Evelyn kissed me and told me it would be alright. “Holy crap, are you dating Evelyn?” Sergio asked.

I looked at her. “Yes” was all I said and I waited for her to say no but Jed didn’t give her as chance.

“Ahh, did you worry you weren’t the only one with a Diaz brother. So you went and hunted down the last one.”  I was waiting for her to get offended but she started to laugh.

“Are you kidding? You guys are so full of yourself I would not have touched you with a 10 foot pole. Plus he has a Texas drawl.” She said as she winked at me and hell if it didn’t make me laugh.

We sat down and I went on telling them the whole story like I had done before like 3 times. Once it was all said and done they both turned to me. “We are so sorry you had a rough child hood. But we are grateful to those people who took you in” said Sergio.

“Ok enough of this shit, the past is the past and now you are one of us. So fuck that, little brother it’s time to see what you’re made of.” Said Jed as he gets up and everyone was so excited and I got a little scared.

He walked to their back yard and we split up into teams and it was 3 on 3. I had Grady and Sergio on my team and Jed had Roger and Victor on his. We were playing tackle football. No rules anything goes. 

I could not help but admire how they all worked as a team but were very competitive. I would occasionally hear a girl scream out. “Watch his face.”  “Don’t hit his beautiful face” I just had to laugh at that.

I was tackled by Roger and the air left my lunges and he smiled down at me. “That will teach you to call us old guys.” He smirked.

Oh shit had I said that out loud. I got up and ran to the back yelling at Sergio to throw me the ball since I was open. I missed Jed coming at me until I was knocked down again. It was then that I noticed they were all taking turns knocking me down. Even my own team mates were pummeling me.

I called a time out and they all came laughing. “It took you long enough to figure out they were welcoming you to the family officially” said Diego as he hit my back. Well damn they were hitting me on purpose.

“I am not even sure what to think. I didn’t think it would be that easy.” I tell them.

“Well what did you expect? We were all given a second chance by mom and dad. It’s not your fault mom had medical problems and well, we’re just happy you found us. Feel free to stay with any of us.” Sergio said.

“Um, thanks but I’m crashing at Evelyn’s place.” I tell them.

“Hey, you get to be here for the wedding  in a couple of weeks” Jed tells me.

“Who’s getting married?”

“Reina and I are getting hitched and so are Grady and Alexis and Victor and Mary. If you play your cards right maybe you can tame the beast.” Jed said.

I looked at him not understanding what he was saying. “You know the beast. She seems to be able to be with guys but she can’t commit to one. She always blames them because they want her to quit her job or something.” I turned to look at Evelyn who was talking to her sister.

“I like her a lot” I told them. But I wasn’t sure about marriage yet. I mean we just met and the sex is super but. It is a possibility for the future.

“Well what do you know Sergio, we have another brother.” Jed said to Sergio and I was happy they accepted me.

We said our goodbyes and I was going to go into the room to change but Evelyn pulled me aside and whispered in my ear. “Leave the outfit on.”

Hot Damn seems like I’m going to get lucky again soon. So I whisper to her “You don’t happen to have a cheerleader outfit do you?” The wicked gleam in her eyes was all the answer I needed.




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