My Savior (Afterdeath story)

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Before we get to the story I need to clear things up
1. Geno and reaper never met before so this is their first time meeting one another
2. Geno is dom and reaper is sub
3. I don't own the characters, I just own the story
4. Toni is male version of Toriel but you find out later what he does
5. All pictures dont belong to me, they belong to their creators!
6. Geno, Toni, Muffet, Reaper
Since that's all cleared up so let's start!!

~~~~~~~~~~-My Savior-~~~~~~~~~~

Reaper thought that he had found his " Prince Charming " when he was in highschool where he found his love, Toni (male version of Toriel just to clear things up) in most of his classes, when summer hit they got together, they went out and things were great but... all good things must always comes to an end... Reaper thought it was odd for Toni to come to the apartment that both of them shared at 4 in the morning, which Toni then would say, " I was out with some friends and I lost track of time", or " I was busy with work" or stuff like that and reaper didn't really think nothing of it, because sometimes Toni's boss would sometimes overworked some of the employees at his job, so he didn't questioned it. But he had a a bad feeling whenever this happened, like Toni wasn't telling him something but he thought it was nerves just acting up.
Big mistake...
It went on for two months, four months since they got together and half of it was when Toni was gone, and reaper was getting more worried since Toni would return home with different clothes on and all, and Toni would say," My clothes gotten dirty while at work", or " some idiot spilled his drink on me when I was going to the car and I had to go and grab extra clothes with me so I can clean them at the laundromat, sorry if I didn't tell you" and when reaper would clean the laundry, he would find Toni's "stuff" (if you know what I mean) on Toni's jeans and he once found a empty condom wrapper in one of his jeans.
Reaper asked him why it was in there he said, "some of my pals thought it was a great idea to go to a strip club and well one of my friends had gotten rowdy with one of the girls and I think he put that there on accident." But that same uneasy feeling that he had in his stomach never went away and instead grew more. And he suspected that he was cheating on him, but he wasn't for sure
...until one day... reaper was making lunch for both Toni and him since Toni had a day off and reaper wasn't busy with his school work since it was memorial Day, (Toni is a graduate from reaper's school, that year when reaper and Toni was his last year there) Toni left to go to use the bathroom while he did, he left his phone on the table, when it beeped telling reaper that was there was a message for Toni on his phone, reaper thought that it was from one of his friends or family members or Co-workers telling him something, so he went and check the message and what he saw shocked him to the core. *Toni, I had such a wonderful time with you, but I was wondering when will you come back to my place again? Both my bed and body misses you~<3 Angora Who is angora? What she wants from Toni? Is-is Toni seeing someone else behind my back?
Reaper was shaking with so many emotions that he was surprise he was still standing, that's when Toni walked back in to find reaper looking in his phone,"What are you doing with my phone?" Reaper was startled by Toni's voice he looked at him and asked, "W-who is Angora?" To Toni.
Toni looked slightly pissed that reaper looked though his phone without his permission, "She's just a friend,reaper baby." Which reaper thought it was more than that,"T-then why did she say th-that her body m-misses you? W-what's going on Toni?" Now Toni is starting to get pissed off by all of the questions reaper is asking, "We used to hug all the time when we were kids, honey. There is nothing between us.", Reaper was struggling to keep calm and don't cry right there and then, "Please stop lying to me! I know there's something between you guys and I want an-"
W-what just happened?"You know it's your fault that this has come to this. If you have loved me like a good boyfriend would then this wouldn't have happened...You should be ashamed of yourself." W-what? Maybe h-he's right, I mean I do put alot of pressure on him since he works and pays the bills and all...maybe he's right...that I deserve this for a being a bad lover
And since then Toni started to abuse reaper both physically and mentally...but never sexually.
It was their one year anniversary and everyone notices the change in reaper, he was the smart and funny person...but now he's quiet and he doesn't speak at all...but nobody ask him what's wrong...
Until the night of the anniversary...

Toni convince reaper to fellow him in the forest, which was rumored to have a unknown being in there that stalks and kills their prey when someone enters in their territory....And that's what Toni was planning on doing, Toni knew that reaper would break if someone asks him what's is going on and he don't want any risks if that ever happens. They gotten deep enough in the woods that nobody would hear expect for the wildlife here, that's when Toni attacked.
Reaper tried to defend himself from the hits but it put little protection from the onslaught of punches he started to cry from the pain,"You are a worthless piece of shit! No wonder nobody cares about you, because you can't do anything right! can be something else... Toni grabbed reaper by the throat and hold him up against the tree*chuckles evilly* yes and I know the perfect punishment for you..." reaper tried to stop Toni from whatever he's trying to do but it was pointless to stop him.
Toni ripped reaper's clothes, but was getting annoyed by reaper's screaming,"*Smack* Shut up you bitch! You making this harder than it should be!", "l-let me go! P-please! I don't want this! Please anyone help me! Please! I said shut up!" Toni gotten more anger that he started to strangle the smaller male, reaper started to gasping for air scratching Toni's hands to let him go is he going kill me?! Please I don't want to die!,"What do you think you're doing?especially in my forest.", " Who the fuck said that!?" Toni thrown reaper to a another tree, causing him to hit his head. Reaper slid down to the ground, seeing black dots in his vision,"Show yourself, you cowardly bitch!", "Gladly."

(Think as geno as the being in the picture above) "I'll make sure that you would suffer the consequences for what you have done." And that was the last thing reaper saw before he blacked out.

~~~~~~~~to be continued...~~~~~~~~

Hello there my little soulings! I want to apologise for the absence and for that I'm sorry for leaving you guys hanging but don't worry! I'm still working on it, so don't worry.
I also have some news for you guys... school is nearing for me, which means I will be busy with school work and stuff like that. But fear not! I will work on it as much as I can do!
You guys can also can request me ships and you guys tell what to write with it, for example error X ink which involves a highschool feel towards it, you know?
Anyways hope you guys enjoy this story!
Goodbye my soulings~!

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