My savior part 2

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~Geno's POV~

I was doing what I always do, hunting. But it's been dead for sometime now so I decided to have a walk. It was nice, the darkness and the moonlight makes it more eternal... which was ruined by someone screaming,

"L-let me go! P-please! I don't want this! Please anyone help me! Please! I said shut up!"

I was intrigued by the screams so went to where the screams were coming from and I was shocked to see a smaller skeleton being assaulted by a goat monster, as I look more closely
I saw bruises on the skeleton and I felt something...anger as the goat monster started to strangle the skeleton, I have to stop this, now.

"What do you think you are doing? Especially in my forest. Who the fuck said that?!"
I was more angered when he thrown the skeleton to a tree, bow I'm pissed.
"Show yourself, you cowardly bitch! Gladly."
I showed myself to this pathetic monster,
" I'll make sure that you would suffer the consequences for what you have done.
I grinned evilly to this worthless monster,
"W-what the fuck!? Who the fuck are you?!"
I laughed at this monster stupidity,
"I thought that you would know what happens to those that dared to enter into my territory. Especially if those tries to murder anyone in my forest expect for me. Y-your the being?! Well fuck this shit I'm out of here! Where do you think your going, pal? Your not going anywhere.
I stabbed him until his eyes were closed.
...Well that ended quickly then I thought it would..."

I turned to the skeleton that was passed out, he was crying must've been from the trauma from almost being raped,
"Don't worry, I got you."
I picked up the skeleton and I noticed that he's shorter and smaller then me,
I wonder what's your name but we'll about that later, but right now let's get you fix up.
I teleport us to my home.

I lived here for years and to be honest, it's quite lonely since my family was killed when I was young. But I guess I won't be alone for now. I went to one of the rooms, which is next to my room, and I place the skeleton on the bed. I looked at the smaller skeleton face,
man he looks cute, wait what?! Okay brain stop making me think weirdly of someone that I barely know!

I mentally slapped myself and went to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit, a nightshirt and a night pants and brought it with me to patched up and dressed the smaller one.
While I was patching him up I noticed that there was other wounds, some of them looked old while others looked fresh. It took so much willpower for me to not kill that son of a bitch again, but have to calm down, I need answers and this guy has them. Which when I was dressing the skeleton I find out that my nightshirt is more of a nightgown rather than a nightshirt which for some odd reason my brain thinks that the smaller one looks more cute...I need sleep, I can check on him in the morning time but for now I need sleep.

~~~~~~time skip to morning~~~~~~

--Reaper's POV--

Pain...all I felt was pain, I weakly open my eyes and I looked around the room...where am I?...what happened...oh...yeah... that happened... but where's Toni? Did he escaped or something happen to him? And who was that being, he looked like a skeleton like me but not quite like me if that's makes sense? my clothes!?

I sat up, but pain flared up inside my body causing me to cried out in pain and collapsed back on the bed,

okay bad idea, really bad idea...

I heard someone coming to the door, I looked at the door and I saw... the same skeleton that stop Toni!

" Well good morning. G-good morning t-too. How you feeling? ...painful...Well that's normal for somebody that was beaten and thrown to a tree, anyways my name is Geno, what's your name?...R-reaper...where am I? You are in my home, and I must ask who was that goat monster from last night? Did you know him? That was my boyfriend, Toni...where is he? Why do you want to know where he is? I don't know if he's alive or not...He's dead...W-what? He deserved it for what he done to you....Toni's dead?who saved me?....thank the stars...hmm? What? I said thank the stars, do you know who saved me?...I did...You...saved me?...Why? I don't like people like him, who hurt others for their own personal gain...hey are you okay?...yeah it's just that...for months I have been living in constant pain and fear...and now he's gone and he won't hurt me anymore...thank you so much Geno.
Tears slowly and silently fall from my face but I was smiling. Geno wiped away the tears from my face,
Hey it's okay long have you and Toni been together for?
He started to hug felt...nice to be hold...
For 8 months, the first two months was fine...but around the third and fourth month he had been coming home late at night, near 12am or later than that. He would say that he was busy with work or he was hanging out with friends and he lost track of time, and I forgive him...and I s-should've done something to stop all of this from happening.
I started to shake from all of the emotions, Geno hold on to me little bit tighter but not too tight...
when we were in our 4th month together in our relationship, he would come home wearing different clothes,...he would say that some guy or one of the Co-workers there spilled their food or drink on him on accident and he had to grabbed another pair of clothes so he can cleans his clothes at a laundromat or his clothes would get dirty at his work... but I had a feeling that's something wasn't right, whenever I would do the laundry, I would find know...on his pants and one time...I found a condom wrapper in one of his pants I went to him asking him why was it in one of his pockets.
He said that he and his friends went to a strip club and one of his friends gotten rowdy with one of the workers there and his pal must've put in there on accident...and I believe him, but one day I was making lunch for me and Toni, since it was memorial Day I didn't have school and it was Toni's day off. He left to use the bathroom and his phone went off with a message, I thought it was from one of his friends or family member or a Co-worker telling him something...but it wasn't.
Instead it was someone named Angora, saying that her...body and bed misses him, I was confused who is she? What does she wants from Toni? Is Toni seeing someone? Toni walked in the kitchen,seeing his phone in my hands, he asked me what I was doing with his phone and I asked him who is Angora and and he said that she's just a friend and I thought that there was more than just that, I asked him why does she say that her body misses you he responded saying that they used to hug each other all the time when they were kids and I gotten mad at him because I knew there was something else with them...
But then...
h-he slapped me, I was dazed and shocked h-he s-said t-that i-i-it was m-my f-f-fault t-that th-that I was h-hit b-because I-I w-wasn't a-a g-good l-lover t-to h-him a-and I-I b-believed h-him! I-it w-went o-on f-f-for m-months a-a-and I-I-I'm S-sorry!!
I couldn't hold it in anymore, I felt like that I was everyone's burden, I felt like I was disappointing everyone around me,  I couldn't stop Toni from hurting me and I was almost raped by him as well...Toni was right I am weak, but then I felt someone hugging me comforting me, it was Geno, I buried my head in his chest wanting to disappear, I felt like I was choking on tears and I started to chock on my tears, I felt him rubbing on my back to soothe my coughing and my tears, I hear him comforting me with gentle words, It's okay reaper, you're okay now, he won't hurt you again, I promise...
I hear his soul beat, it was calming me down, it sounds so comfortable, like a soft beat to fall asleep to, I started to feel sleepy...maybe..I could..sleep...for..a...bit....

~Geno's POV~

I was mad, no furious!
How dare he do this to reaper?!
He done nothing wrong and yet the fucking goat bastard punishes him for no reason!?

I felt him breathing slightly calmer than before, I looked down and I saw that he passed out, probably due to the overwhelming of emotions and tears. I put him back on the bed but he started to whimpering and I didn't want him to a have a panic attack while alone, so I laid down with him and he curled up to me, like I was some sort of protection or a teddy bear from bad memories.
I started to feel tired, I guess a nap won't hurt. 

...Did I forget to mention that I was blushing like some sort of a berry right. I sighed and I looked down to reaper and I smiled down to him. Huh, I haven't smiled in so long 

"Sweet dreams, reaper..."

To be continued....

Hope you guys like this! Also school is starting soon, which means that I will probably have less time on working on stories then before, but don't worry! I will update on the stories as soon as possible!
See ya my soulings!

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