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Yanked by the shoulders at the last possible second, Stephanie watched the ground pull away from her and move at a speed too quick for her feet to match.

Dropped in the middle of the street feet first, Stephanie tucked and rolled and turned around with her baterang in hand before facing what saved her from near death.

Covered by the shadows, her savior levitated off the ground.

With toes sharply pointed, back straight and perfectly aligned with a small space between the armpits meant to define a more muscular frame. There was nothing holding this figure up.

"I commend your efforts, however I believe you may be in over your head."

A woman's voice.

Stephanie looked ahead to find a soft cloud of debris rise up off the ground where this woman sent Ruin crashing. She's a super-powered. "... If you're expecting me to thank you, don't hold your breath."

The woman did not respond. She did not bother to move. And though Stephanie could not see this woman's face, she couldn't help but to feel this woman's eyes on her. Like she found something once lost now found.

It put an eerie chill down Stephanie's spine.

"I'm sorry, do we know each other?" Stephanie asked.

The woman slowly flew out from within the shadows to reveal herself under the moonlight shine above. She's young, shorter, and a teenager going by her wholesome girl next door look. "I've come for you Stephanie Brown."


"You've been on our wanted list for quite some time, and you've proven quite difficult to pin down."

Stephanie chuckled. "I guess the vigilante laws have become quite strict since I've been gone."

"In volition of inter-dimensional travel, you are hereby under arrest."

Stephanie's eyes narrowed. "Excuse me?"

"You've crossed through more than 12 universes without proper clearance and proceeded to change the scope of this current universe. I will have you come with me."

"Is this come kind of joke? Are you a friend of Supergirl or something? I mean I don't know her personally-"

"I do not know to whom you are referring, but do not bother to flee. If you resist I will have to resort to force in order to detain you."

She's serious.

"And since you are human I do not wish to harm you. Harming you can result in your immediate death."

"Wow, you must think pretty highly of yourself. I mean you do have super strength and can fly. But I think you have me confused with someone else, perhaps someone is out there using my name."

The young woman sighed heavily. By her expression alone she was no stranger to the conniving words of a criminal. "I don't know how you've come to this universe, but that has come to an end. Now Miss Brown, I will not ask you again."

"So you don't want to hear what I have to say?"

Stephanie had no clue what this girl was talking about. Dressed in an outfit definitely aerodynamic and sort of futuristic, it's almost like her suit was stitched for space travel.

So it's safe to say that she's not from around here.

"Alright, can I at least know the name of my arresting officer?"

"Daria Zartron, Collector of the Fifty-Two."

"Zartron, what is that? Kryptonian? And what's thisFifty-Two?"

Daria looked at Stephanie strangely for a moment. "Right, whatever universe you are from the Kryptonians may still be alive."

Pulled from behind her back is a pair of cuffs Daria extended.

Stephanie knew this girl was expecting her to act accordingly base on her claims she's yet to prove but accuse. They are certainly a departure from the standard metal bracelets she wrapped around the wrist of a few criminals.

"If your plan is for me to wear those, what do you have planned for him to wear?" Stephanie pointed over Daria's shoulder aimed at Ruin escaping from the rubble completely unscathed.

It's through the clearing cloud of debris where he raised his hand and ignited a spiraling black light.

"Ruin." Daria said under her breath.

"You know him?"

In the middle of the street, Stephanie waited for Daria to move and get into fighting position. 

But as Daria turned to face the masked man she seemed to know, she froze.

The ground trembled.

The spiraling black light around Ruin's hand began to grow. The space around him began to shift and distort the ground and debris around him. Almost like its falling into ruin. "I don't think we should be standing here!" Stephanie shouted, whereas Daria still did not move.

Watching Daria's shoulders rise up and down, it was her breathing and how unsteady it was becoming. Her throat flexed and veins bulged. It looked as though she was going pass out at any minute due to shock. She knows this masked man, and he scared her.

"Hey!" Stephanie shouted for Daria to show some get-up and go. But still she stood unresponsive.

She was gone. Fear taken over and there were no words that will save her.


Leaving this girl behind to face Ruin would resolve the possible issue of her arrest. But Stephanie felt the bottom of her stomach twist and turn into a bubbled knot at the thought of leaving this girl here. She could fend for herself being as strong as she is, a thought Stephanie found hard to convince herself would be true.

Fired from the palm of his hand and splitting the asphalt in two, the wrecking spiral of black light headed straight for Daria.

It didn't take much for Stephanie to deduce what that spiraling black light was made of, magic, a weapon no Kyptonian can face and walk away from unscathed.

With all her might Stephanie ran and tackled Daria to the ground.

Immediately Stephanie felt like she ran into a MAC truck.

With them both on the ground, after evading such danger, Stephanie couldn't help but to writhe in pain while clutching onto her shoulder.

Stephanie turned and found Daria no longer frozen with fear, instead in shock, where she stared upon the destruction that could have been her.

Trying her best to roll over on her side and pop her separated shoulder back into place Stephanie knew it was only a matter of time until her body will soon succumb to the pain and force her into a state of unconsciousness.

And just as she thought, Stephanie felt her eyes become heavy and her body become weaker. 

Stephanie looked up at Daria who was quick to catch her from falling while mouthing words she could not hear. "What did I just do?" she agonized, Daria's face the last face she sees before shutting her eyes unsure of her fate.   


The Lone Knight (Under The Cowl Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now