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Zayn : we're gonna celebrate this song
No way today we're gonna have a dinner chez moi 😂
Liam : before all who is she ?
Zayn : a friend just that
Harry : living with you ?
Louis : mmmmm ok
Zayn : Diana come please
Diana : here we are with a little sweet creature called Freddie
Louis : oh sheet no dinner before Brianna get back Freddie
Prepare it and I'll be back
Harry : ok great
Diana : I will prepare the dinner
Niall : i will help her 😂
Harry : I will prepare the dessert
Liam : I will buy the drinks
Zayn : comming with you Liam
Diana : cutie here we go
In the kitchen
Diana : oh my God like a dream come true
I'm here with the best boy band ever
In the same house
We'll have a dinner together
This is existing
Niall : calm down honey
Mmm anyway how did u caught zayn
Diana : it was a challenge
Then not the wrong number came off
Niall : wanna hear the hole story but let's do something I'm starving

At the dining table
Liam : Diana congratulations you cook so very well
Zayn : best cannelloni ever
Diana : Niall cooked the majority
Seems i was helping him
Niall : she's lying shy girl
Liam : so at the honner of our new song written by Zayn one bite of your sugar and at the honner of our new friend Diana yours
Harry : i would like to stay here but tomorrow I'm going to the Late late show for Dunkirk I should sleep early
Kisses and good night
Zayn : good night
Diana : sweet dreams Harry
Liam : I got a msg Cheryl is a little bit ill i should see her
Louis : I will come with you take me home then
Liam : Niall wanna come ?

Niall focusing on Diana that he ignores Liam

Zayn : NIALL are you going to sleep here tonight or what ? Good bye sweetheart good bye
Niall : I'm hurt you're kicking me out boy
Diana : ZAYN ! oh honey
Louis : i swear he's a successful actor
Niall : they won't sleep alone no ?
Zayn : enough ! We'll take you forced boy
Niall : no no no I'm going bye

The boys kissed Diana and Zayn then went out

 Not The Wrong NumberOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant