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Zayn : ok here we go guys
Harry : you made a song ?
Zayn : yes
Louis : called ?
Zayn : one bite of you sugar
Her's the lyrics everyone of you gonna sing a part and I'm gonna help you with the preparation ok ?
Niall : here we go boys
Zayn : Liam you start
Liam :    

Whenever I look in you eyes

I see myself

The one I was trying to hide

You take me to paradise

Do you just realise ?

Baby just kiss me now

I know I get hurt

But belive me it hurts like                         heaven

Zayn : Harry go
Harry :

And baby let's realise something

That we need to know
I'm lost in this big city now
And baby before I leave
All I ask for is one bite
Yeh one bite of your sugar

Zayn : here we go so great continue guys Louis go
Louis :

Oh Baby look at me in the eyes
Just tell me you love me
Even if it is fake now
Cause all I need is one feeling
That one feeling of love
The one you're supposed to give it to

all along our road

Zayn : Niall go now
Niall :
And now I whisper in your ear
I love you so damn Girl
So you don't have to tell me
It's enough
Cause I'm ready to dance
So let's not stop this party on
And before anything
Give me one bite of your sugar

Zayn : Harry go
Harry :

Your hands are meant to hug me
And your lips are made to kiss mine
And now my destiny is just fixed
I'm drowning behind this closed door
Watching you dancing
Baby all you have to do is
Look at my eyes
And tell me you love me
Even if it is fake
So we don't have to stop this party on

Zayn : Liam now
Liam :
Feeling war in my head
And heel in my heart
Just tell me girl

Why don't you wanna be mine this night
And give me a chance to taste
One bite of your sugar

Niall : bro this is AMAZING
Louis : no please AMAZAYN 😂
Harry : to be honest it is asewome boy
Liam : as usual you're the best

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