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Since the boys were there to comfort Harry , me and Zayn left to go home , Zayn had a quick shower and went jogging , while i had a long bath , i really needed to think about a lot of things , i felt toxicated , Something or maybe a lot of things were not going alright

Zayn and I went out to have a city tour , we went to the big ben , bakingham palace , London tour and had a dinner in a luxiourus restaurent called " Big Reputation", all the people seemed to talk forgein languages , then we visited the London eye , it was nearly midnight

"play night changes by one direction"

it was only me and him on the tour , at midnight it stopped on the highest point , the view was more than marvelous ,i took Zayn's hand and looked into his eyes and said : "

I thought about the things I was gonna say at the moment million times but nothing comes out , ure curing me of an illness i didnt know i alredy had , ur absence , ur absence is a big problem sir , it takes my breath away , it takes my happiness away , ur absence makes life meaningless and i stay counting the secondes waiting for u to comeback . u are everywhere , in the sky when i look up i see ur laugh ,i hear it out loudly , when i close my eyes ur voice singing is playing like a record on repeat , ur words , ow ur cute words ! theres something about the way u look at me that gives me chills , i could drawn in those eyes and never ask for help , i wanna live by ur side for the rest of my life , and this is a yes because Zayn Jawed Malik , i am marrying u "

- Diana ! Diana ! Diana !

whats wrong !?

-oh honey uve been dreaming


-what did u see ?


- Me ? sounds intresting in a way that I wanna get into this bath to hear it from ur mouth ; Because the words sneek out of ur mouth softly like cream cheese

- so u wanna get into this bath ?


I took his head in my hands and gave him a soft kiss and the bring him into the bath like children who sneek snacks into the cinema and then we kissed for a while , he took his clothes off and said "

yes .

 Not The Wrong NumberOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant