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Diana *upstairs changing her clothes* : ZAYN ! Am so tired can i sleep now i have no mood to stay awake for the movie !
Zayn : okay bae goodnight,  sleep well because tomorrow we're gonna have a lot of fun
Diana : ow am excited tho ciao bae

In the room her phone was ringing
"A call from a strange number"
Diana : Diana meamor who is it ?
Niall : good i had the right number , it's niall Diana  , i hope i didn't wake u up !
Diana : Omg noo not at all
Niall : well am not feeling bad but as zayn said ure just friends i wanna ask u out tomorrow  what would u say ?
Diana : am actually speechless i would love to but ... i promised zayn tomorrow to have a day out that's why maybe another day ?
Niall : we'll see ... uk ure very lucky.... i mean u met one direction,  ALL OF THEM at once , u are living with zayn malik even as a friend and Niall horan asked you out for a DATE and u said no !
Diana : i didn't day no .. wait  what ! Cmon i didn't know it was a date
Hold on are u kidding me
U guys want me to die these days or what !
Niall : No i meant that
U know am a sensitive guy am not someone who plays with little girls hearts
I never had a girlfriend yet u know
U may be the first !
Diana : OMG

At that moment Diana's phone's battery died and she didn't found the charger

Diana : fml ! U foumd the right time to die !

Zayn still downstairs watching TV

Zayn : bae ure right ? U look upset ? I though u were sleeping wasn't u ?
Diana : nothing serious , my phone battery died while i was calling my mom can I use ur phone ?
Zayn : of course here take it
Diana *going upstairs* : thank u bae , hey btw i like ur background,  very original! 

Diana : where's niall
Niall horan
Niall horan
Niall horan
Oh here it is

Niall : Zayn ! I can explain.... uk !
Diana : explain what ?
Niall : oh it's u ! So what about the date my girl ?
Diana : if zayn heard that he was gonna be upset
Niall: he said "just friends"
Diana : well i say not
Niall : so as u didn't say yes it means u said no
U was about to be the luckiest girl on the planet and u said nothing about that
Diana : i didn't say no
Maybe  ... I'll think about that
It's not easy to be somebody girlfriend's niall !
Especially if it's someone like u
Niall : what do u mean by someone like me ?
Diana : I mean famous ! Rich ! Who can drag 100000 girl by only a smile
Niall : well seems ure not one of the 1000000
Diana : can't it happen ?
Maybe am in love with someone else !
Niall : someone who will make u happy more than i will do ?
Oups I can't find him
Diana : u got me on my nerves mr horan

Zayn : bae is everything okay ?
Diana : yeeh bae am coming
Zayn : close ur eyes !
Come closer ... lemme show u something

 Not The Wrong NumberOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant